Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 3 June 2019

Bikkagern Bounces Back

It appears the rumours of Biccagerns demise was greatly exaggerated, he had merely being knocked senseless by a blow from a cataphracts mace.
He is now back to take on the might of Rome once again.
I had made a few changes to the rules since last outing, although they worked OK, on reflection I think I will revert to our previous incarnation of Neil's rules, the extra things to add and remember outweigh the casualty and base recording I was trying to replace and I went a bit to far I think.
The Goths deploy for the attack.
Rome stands ready

I was too absorbed in rules analysis mode to take any in game shots I'm afraid, I did remain focused on the game though, unfortunately my dice throwing continued from where it left off in the AWI last week.
The Goths inflicted a crushing defeat, "The Viper" is on the march again.



  1. Lovely line up, especially Rome's fairly finest, how did the new boys do?

    1. Thank you George. Suffered NUS I'm afraid, Dave kept the new Goths skulking at the back, they did not see action today.

    2. Skulking? Moi? Surely not!😉

    3. Wait! They did indeed advance. But only when the battle was won :~)

  2. A very fine collection, a joy to game with. Of course, the result helps I admit that!

  3. Awesome armies ready for action!

    1. Thank you Phil. It's back to work on the Dark Age collection now.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Christopher, not many more to paint now.

  5. Lovely looking armies! Surely by the law of averages you must win a game soon! Great inspiration for painting my dark age armies also!
    Best Iain

  6. Thank you Iain. Perhaps the second half of year will garner more success.
