Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Have You Ever.....

Visited a town or village and seen a random building and not know what it is or was used for? Well a while ago Dave was doing buildings and a palazzo for the Italian Wars project and had a tower from Charlie Foxtrot Models, however it was a tad taller than he needed so left a section out. Colin kindly supplied a resin roof so that it could be utilised elsewhere, however eventually it did not fit in Dave’s build so he passed it on to me to use in my castle build, which as since been shelved. The building has been on the shelf for a while, I bought a lion head fountain from Iron Gate Scenery at the ROBIN show back in February and the other day was wondering how to use it in my next build when my eye caught the said building. So needing a break from figure painting I set to, Dave had already assembled it and had also rendered the walls, so all I had to do was add the fountain, prime, base and paint it, the base is as ever from Warbases and the cobblestones are Wills railway accessories.

What is it? Perhaps the fountain suggests a pump house, sending spring water to the population, I will leave you dear reader to decide.
I hope you like what I have done with the gift Dave, it can still adorn the castle courtyard should I ever get around to continuing with it too.



  1. Just needs a group of thirsty GIs (on their way to Rome) filling their water bottles in front of it methinks.

  2. That has turned out really well Phil. Perhaps it's dual purpose: village spring and lockup for the odd drunk or vagrant?

  3. Great use of 'bits', suddenly I am thirsty...

    1. Always try to utilise bits, waste not want not.

  4. Nice functional looking storehouse! As always lovely work!
    Best Iain

  5. Great looking building, this beautiful fountain adds a lot!

    1. Thanks Phil. Irongate make some great pieces.

  6. It‘s a unusual but absolutely fitting piece of scenery! Beautifully done as well.

    1. Thank you Nick. It will all add to the ambience of the table.
