Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 25 March 2019

Move Along, Nothing To See Here.

I didn't bother to take pics of the game today, things remained pretty much static from turn two, the Nationalist attackers did not get the run of the order dice and their firing was equally dire, this combination stifled any coherent attack. Another win for Dave and the Republican cause was the end result.
However I took the opportunity to take some pics of my latest terrain pieces, a barn from Charlie Foxtrot Models, a piece of scatter terrain using walls from Empress Miniatures and my completed vines.



  1. New terrain items well up to snuff! An error of judgement though not extensively recording my all to rate win.😉

  2. I sense Fake News...

    “ no we were not defeated today or any other day... we have in fact been re developing and improving the environment... look at this lovely vineyard we built today”.... honest....

    And very nice they are to...

    All the best. Aly

    1. I was hoping it would gloss over my return to coming second.

  3. You might have lost this game but you've certainly won on the terrain-improvement-front! Excellent work all round.
    You've once mentioned you're using a CoC-BA hybrid for your SCW games? Would you care to give any more dretails on how you merged the two rulesets?
    While loving CoC for WW2 it doesn't give me what I'm after for SCW, so I'm currently thinking about merging Sharp Practice or I ain't been shot mum with CoC. Taking the activation system (including the random events) of the former and the rest from the latter.

    1. Thank you Nick. Actually I merged three sets, using Battlegroup Rules for determining orders and the movement, morale and firing mechanisms. I feel that COC despite the vagaries of the command dice still make things to coordinated for my vision of the SCW, throwing for the number of orders and transposing them to BA order dice suits my vision better, although I could be doing both sides a disservice there.
      To sum up dice for the number if orders, put that number of BA dice in the bag and draw accordingly, if 10, 11 or 12 are rolled by either side I add a different coloured dice, when pulled this will signal drawing a random event card, which is used by the side who's dice us drawn next. Moving firing etc. Can be used from your favoured set of rules, I use Battlegroup but could easily use COC.

  4. That barn is one of my favourite CFM buildings, nice job on it.

    1. Thank you George, Colin has made a cracking job on the brickwork.

  5. Great work on the barn. I have two in 20mm but they desperately need some proper tiles on the roof, it really does make all the difference, which you so clearly demonstrate.

    1. Thank you Mark. Again Colin made a fine job of the roof tiles too, but there was still no getting away from it looking flat.

  6. Lovely terrain Phil....but I’m missing at least one battle picture 😢

    1. Thank you Matt. I know very remiss of me really, I should have took a table shot to show how very little I had advanced at least.

  7. Great looking barn and lovely vines, game? What game?
    Best Iain

  8. Thank you Iain, what game indeed, it never happened :~)

  9. The roof and ground work around the barn takes it up another level to a superb looking building. Love all your other terrain pieces Phil, just hold back a little or there won't be any point me doing that book as you will have grabbed all the glory.

  10. Thank you for kind words Pat. I have another two buildings to do and of course need to consider battle damaged stuff too, holding back on these awaiting the book :~)
