Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 19 February 2018

Baldinus Triumphant!

Today General Baldinus took his revenge and bested his arch nemesis Bikkagern AKA The Viper, for a while it seemed that the Goths were getting the upper hand, but impatient that he could not get behind the Roman flanks with his cavalry, Bikkagern sent them  headlong against the Roman infantry in a frontal assault. Although the infantry held things were not looking good for the Romans, Baldinus then unleashed his cavalry and the unengaged legion, the Triani, whilst the Moorish cavalry harassed the uncommitted Goth cavalry. The tide turned and the Gothic hoard was defeated.
I had recently painted up some extra Goth infantry on half bases, these were added to two of the  other Goth warbands giving them six bases. We adjusted the rules accordingly, giving the Goths an extra two D6 in the first round of close combat, this would give them some initial humph and sustain the unit in the next rounds. This would offset some of the Roman superiority as they get more combat dice in continuing rounds and better saving throws 4 - 6 as opposed to the Goths 6. It did not help in the end, next outing we may let them add the extra dice in continuing rounds.
I was too engrossed in the action to take any pics I'm afraid but here are a couple of shots of the forces as they stand, I currently have Roman cataphracts on the painting bench and will follow these up with another half base of Goths to increase the third warband.

In fact no pics, I'm afraid Blogger is being a complete arse again, I give up !

Edit - Here they are, weird. Thought Jon's comment on my previous post would appear, but alas no. Thank you for the comment Jon, I got the email notification. I believe our mutual friend is having some "renovation work" soon :~)


  1. Go the Romans, looking forward to seeing the cataphracts, I would like to get some in the you didn’t load any photos 🙂

    1. Thanks Matt. I did load pics but don't know what Blogger did with them, floating in cyber limbo somewhere.

    2. Now we can see them in all their glory 😀

  2. It was a splendid game, no question of that, in fact a splendid day all round. As you say the tinkering helped but not enough, although better dice might have made a difference overall.

    1. We will see how it goes next outing, don’t want to go too far the other way though, Romans should be tough cookies after all 😀

  3. Excellent looking. I'm waiting for more sir!
    best regards

  4. Thank you Michal, the cataphracts are at the halfway point and I forgot that I have another base of lanciarii underway.

  5. Both a some very fine looking forces!


  6. Two excellent armies. You can’t beat Romans, almost literally :)

    1. Thank you George. Yes they may have the odd reverse but they bounce back stronger :~)

  7. Gorgeous Goths and splendid Romans! Good sign if you were too immersed in the game to take any photos and I look forward to your cataphracts!
    Best Iain

  8. Thank Iain. The game certainly rattled along and with saving throws in the game I was fully engaged even in Dave’s turns.
