Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 5 February 2018

Fire In The East

Dave came over to OHQ today, I organised a game of Chain of Command using my 20mm German and Soviet forces, we played the attack and defend scenario with the Germans defending on a 4 x 4 table.
Now I have to say that my tactics were diabolical, with my usual abysmal dice rolling talents adding to the debacle. With my force morale reduced to five and with only a complete German squad entrenched in an untenable position and the other remaining squad reduced to four men together with the senior leader and a panzerschrek team I conceded the game to Comrade Bikkliski.
The pictures can relate the rest of  the sorry tale, a thoroughly enjoyable game none the less, fortified with splendid banter, company and lunch.
The Soviet Flamethrower Team Advances, Covered By An Infantry Squad

My Aborted Advance On The Barn, Should Have Had The Courage To Follow Through, Now Occupied By The Soviets

Soviet Squad Supporting The Advance Of The Flamethrower Team

The Entrenched German Squad Totally In The Wrong Place And Deployed Far Too Early

The Bold Advance, Before I Chickened Out

The Flamethrower Team, You Can See The Result Of My Desultory Fire Over Most Of The Phases, I Did Manage To Kill One Man Eventually.
Over to GHQ next week for a long overdue visit to Rhanzlistan, lets hope I do better there, on today's effort it will hard to worse.



  1. Death to the fascist invaders! Tough when you are the invaders, looks lovely, I'm sure it was fun!
    Best Iain

  2. 20mm on a 4' x 4' - very nice to see.

    1. Yes, not much cover on the steppe, even on this size table.

  3. Mother Russia’s finest sons were greatly aided by unusually good dice. No doubt that will come back to bite me in a future encounter.

    1. At least yours don't hate you as much as mine hate me :~)

  4. Superb looking game and CoC is a fantastic system!


    1. Thank you Christopher. It is indeed and you are suitably punished for poor tactics, as I certainly was today.

  5. Nice table. Should take a lesson from this for our Ost Front games.

    1. Thank you George. The terrain on the eastern front is very unforgiving if you don't take the best advantage of it in particular.

  6. Strangely I can never complain about my dice.......but a lovely looking game as always. We are putting on an eastern front game at Dumfries show so this is a good reminder to start planning 🙂

    1. Shouldn't complain about them really, OK you may not get the ones you need at the time in CoC, buts it's about making the best use of what you do. This is where I really failed. They still hate me though :~)
      Are you doing a game at Penrith this year? We are hoping to get up there.

    2. Yes planning to but not quite committed yet as I need to check holidays etc.....are you up on holiday ?

    3. Hope to make a long weekend of it.

    4. Excellent...nearly the date let me know and we might be able to sort a visit to the dungeon 🤔

  7. Great looking game Phil! Chris and I had our second game of CoC just two days ago and it’s a wonderfully elegant and fun ruleset.

    1. Thank you Nick. Not as easy to get into as some rules, but they certainly repay the effort.
