Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Friday, 17 March 2017

Slow Progress Or Is It?

Not much on the figure painting front, to busy with commission work, however I did finish the piece below as I had colours out for other stuff in the same range, a WWII Soviet 57mm anti-tank gun, the gun is from Skytrex if my memory serves me, the crew are from Wartime Miniatures and the loader team are FAA.
The plan this year is to continue adding terrain for my various projects, with this in mind I collected a MDF stable from Charlie Foxtrot Models at WMMS on Sunday, for my Spanish terrain, the beauty of these is that they come with resin pan tile roof pieces, engraved MDF just does not cut it for me. I am keen not to generate a terrain mountain so I set to and got it rendered with Polyfilla and sand and when I was figure painted out on an evening, I put paint on it, and voila!
Now I have long admired Paul Eaglestones stable yard, I had some Empress Miniatures walls in stock and a visit to the local train shop produced some cobbles for the yard.

I shall leave the stables loose so that they can be used on their own if necessary, just need to fill a few gaps between the walls and do some ground work, I also picked up some water troughs from Ainsty while at the show together with some bits for a cemetery piece which will be up on the bench after the stables are complete, Paul added some fire steps to his walls I may do the same too.
In case you are wondering I have not forsaken Rawnstadt, I have started to add more colour to the various buildings.
While I was in terrain mode I decided to do something with a hill piece I had cut a road through, the problem was it would only fit on one specific terrain board (as featured in the photo below) so I decided to slice it in two to make two more versatile pieces, while I was on I spruced up the paint work, put in some steps leading to the ruined look out post and added more vegetation.

 The plan for Monday was a Roman v Goth game, but due to the previously mentioned reason I have not finished the Goth cavalry unit required, so Monday will see a return to Spain but this time a 100 years on for a Spanish Civil War action.



  1. Nice work........Ooppps i do have a terrain mountain, well I mean a mountain of unfinished terrain I am just a bad person I guess 😀

  2. Not bad at all one should always have stuff in stock, I have a plastic plane pile, a plastic tank tower, a lead mountain and a terrain? well hillock at the moment I suppose ;~)

  3. Very nicely done, love this splendid and realistic stable...waiting for the Roman vs Goth confrontation...

    1. Thank you Phil, it is a nice piece to work on the church Colin has done is rather splendid too, I have the Empress one so will not be getting it, although Colin plans to do a heritage, so I will get one of those.

    2. Hermitage, bloody spell checker.

    3. PS. Have commission cavalry on the go so the Goths should be good to go two weeks Monday.

  4. Very nice looking terrain pieces Phil and I think I might need to swipe that courtyard idea for myself!:-)


    1. Thank you Christopher, it's a nice idea isn't it, here is Paul's

  5. The stables are looking really good Phil. See you on Monday!

  6. Nice terrain, the stable yard is a good idea to pinch!
    Best Iain
