Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 6 March 2017

More Colour, 19th Century Style

Well now, it has been nearly a year since our last First Carlist War game, where does time go? quite scary really. So time for another, although I have still to add further units, really must curb the butterfly wings :~)
Following on from our Seven Years War game using Honours Of War rules, I decided to use them for this game, it will be awhile before we next revisit the SYW, I thought we could rectify the things we missed last week and hope that we retain them, one can but be optimistic, eh Dave :~)
The only thing was to add something for attack columns and squares should the need arise, I dispensed with the Royal Marine rocket battery for this game.
Both sides would enter the table along the road, the Carlists from the left of the picture and the Isabelinos from the right, entering on a successful command roll with the proviso that one move must be made along the road.
The Carlist command rolls were pretty poor to begin with, creating a bottleneck which allowed the Isabelinos to deploy quite far forward.
I was feeling a little on the back foot, however my firing dice were just the opposite to my command dice, they were on fire, never rolling below four, the hits quickly mounted up and the Isabelino battalions started to break.
  Dave really had to take a chance and charged the Carlist centre, but again came under withering fire and were broken. Soon to be followed by more, he sent his cavalry the threaten the flank but the Carlists were undeterred sending their cavalry to counter them should the infantry break.

 Rather than break for lunch we decided to play the fourth turn, if the Carlists seized the initiative they could, if their high fire dice scores continued break the fourth Isabelino battalion and win the encounter, which they duly did.

 A short and bloody game, not big enough forces for what the rules envisage we thought, of course had my dice rolling being of my usual standard it could have been different, nonetheless it will be back to Black Powder rules for the next outing, which will hopefully be sooner than next year!



  1. If I hadn't know you since you were nowt but a lad I would have thought the dice were loaded! Splendid looking Spanish table once more. A joy to lead my lambs to the slaughter over!

    1. I have probably used my dice luck up for the year now though.

  2. Wonderful figures and pictures!

  3. Lovely stuff.....table and figures looking brilliant. Nice to see a period which doesnt see much focus. Really great but you need some more units 😀 You know you want them

    1. Thanks Matt. True I do indeed, I have figures, just need to get into gear and paint the blighters :~)

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you George. Hope to give my Romans and Goths their first outing in a couple weeks time.

  5. Awesome looking game Phil!

    1. Thank you Rodger. Short and bloody in fact, must get some more figures painted after the last three Goth cavalry are done.
