Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Sunday, 1 January 2017

And We Are Off!

Yes a new year begins, will we start new projects? finish existing ones? clear out ones we know we are never going to finish? we will all endeavour to do one or the other or maybe all I imagine.

Busy with commission work over Christmas but I did manage to finish this Brittannia Bren carrier with a Soviet crew, for my Soviet forces.

All being well the first game of 2017 will be here at OHQ on Tuesday, a Battlegroup game is planned, set in the aftermath of Operation Bagration, a crippling blow for the Germans, an offensive by the Soviets which was overshadowed by the Allied landings in Normandy.
A report will follow in due course, until then may I wish all my followers and visitors a happy and prosperous new year and may the dice gods be kind to you all.



  1. Nice job ....just so happens I am painting Bren carriers too 😀

  2. Thanks Matt. Gotta love Bren carriers, kinda cute little things.

  3. I love Bren carriers vehicles, they look so cute...and yours is jost superb...Well done, and Happy New Year!

  4. Cracking start to the year, Phil!

  5. Thank you Gordon, hope I can keep it up.
