Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

We Are Rome!

Dave had been away visiting Matt and family so asked for a less taxing game, ideal for this sort of thing is Neil Thomas's "One Hour Wargames" so I dug the book out and chose a suitable scenario and decided to give my slowly growing Saxon and Post Roman Britons forces a run out. This would also give me a chance to get the recently painted mansio on the table too, Dave however said he fancied another run out with Lion Rampant so all change. Since the last game of LR I have painted a few more figures so was able to muster a unit of hearthguard, two units of warriors and a skirmish unit for each, this would save the need to account for casualties if we used smaller units, also it would be a quick game, to offset the small contingents I compressed the space available with buildings and a wooded area.
 It has not been a bad winter, the coming of spring should cheer us all the same, were it not for the fact that we know that it will herald a new assault by the Seax. We will be ready for them, Rome may have deserted us but we are ROMAN! and will defend our land and loved ones to the bitter end.
To be expected news as arrived about an advance by a small force of Seax, we will march to meet them with what men we can muster, we may not achieve parity but we have every confidence in our leader Rawnslious Nausious to lead us to victory.

 Our leader lead us, the skirmishers and a body of spear men between the village and the wood, sending another unit of spear men to the other side of the village to counter any flanking move. It was not long before we saw the enemy skirmishers take up position on a low rise to our front, we could hear the chant of Penda Fudd, Penda Fudd, it turned out that this was the name of their leader.
Over the other side of the village the two forces met, it was not until later when the remnants of our force returned that we knew of their success in defeating the foe, meanwhile things were not looking good for us our supporting spear men were routed after fighting off two ferocious attacks. Drastic measures were needed for we did not know how things were on the right, our brave leader challenged Penda to single combat, joy our leader got the better of it and slew Penda!
This stalled but did not stop the enemy who gathered their courage and renewed the assault, but they could not break us and both sides retired, at this time our force on the right came into view. Seeing this the Seax knew that we could not be bested and prepared to retire, we too had suffered grievous losses and were in no condition to continue the fight so let them retire. We had bloodied each others noses, we would lick our wounds gather fresh men ready to sell themselves dearly for the Seax will be back.  
Skirmishers Trade Arrows
The Saxon Flanking Force

Fighting On The Right, A Brief Respite For Both Sides
End Game
End Game


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Gordon, more to add after I have got a bit more 3rd century stuff done.

  2. Despite my unfortunate demise that was great fun and very nip and tuck all the way through. As ever, Phil, your figures and table are a joy to see!

    1. Indeed a close run thing, sorry about killing your character off but desperate time mean desperate measures:-)

  3. Terrain and figures are just superb!

    1. Thank you Phil, having great figures and terrain to work with helps.

  4. What a splendid sight. Great stuff Phil!
