Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 5 October 2015

Azul En Azul

Dave requested a Spanish Civil war set to on his next visit to OHQ, happy to oblige I set up the table below
We would be using Bolt Action rules straight from the tin except for the addition of a random card draw when the red dice included in the order dice bag is drawn. The game would run for six turns at which point a D3 would thrown for the additional turns, either 2,3 or 4.
The village would initially be held by a squad of Falange militia, who would receive the support of a contingent of La Legion and possibly a squad of fervent Carlist militia.
Sent to oppose them would be a squad of anarchist militia supported by an armoured truck whose movement would be restricted to the road, a dice would be thrown to see which turn their support, in the form of three squads of International Brigade with an anti-tank gun could dice to appear, they would appear after passing an order test, when they had successfully tested to enter the table the Nationalists could then dice for their support to arrive. 
Both sides support duly arrived on turn three, the game was on! The Legion had to dice to see what appeared, this being a squad of infantry, a light mortar, a Panzer I and a command group, they failed to get anything else so a squad of Carlist militia would appear in the following turn.
The Republicans piled on the pressure, but neither side looked to be able to break the deadlock, then a card draw brought on a Nationalist air strike, this would surely turn the tide?
Well yes it did but not for the Nationalists, the rookie pilot proceeded to straff the now panicking Legion, yes panicking Legion, they threw a Fubar! Judgement on me for not getting around to assembling and painting a Nationalist plane.
This thoroughly demoralised the Nationalist force, although at turn six they were still holding on, the dice throw gave an additional two turns, not enough turns for the Republicans to clear the village but the Nationalists were really done as a viable fighting force, so victory went to the Republic, No Passaran!
Some pics of the action follow

 If we can get a place my wife and I hope to be doing a tour later in the month, visiting Cordoba, Grenada and Seville, our first visit to mainland Spain since 1977.

Hasta La Vista


  1. Great looking game, I love the idea of the red dice so will think how we can use that in our VBCW games.

    1. Thanks Matt, the cards are a good way of adding period stuff without having to change the core rules much.

  2. Brilliant! The table is just superb and I love the close up shots...very evocative!

  3. Wow! Beautiful looking game Phil!


  4. Lovely looking table! I really do need to put some work into my SCW collection!


    1. Thanks Christopher, me too, lots to paint to make up the various units to full strength.

  5. As I said yesterday, an excellent table which is a pleasure to battle over and with such wonderfully painted figures and equipment! Have to say that the plane moment was sublime! Viva La Republica!

    1. Have to say that the Nationalists were a tad dismayed, glad you enjoyed the game.

  6. What a great looking game, spectacular pictures!

    1. Thanks Phil, perhaps there is hope for my photography after all.

  7. Love the look of this table. Great stuff!

  8. Terrific looking game; very inspiring terrain. I'll definitely be borrowing some of your ideas when I do my own.

    1. Thank you for the kind comments, glad to be of service.
