Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Through The Blood The Mud And The Mist

Dave popped over to OHQ for a Great War game, we used a "Through The Mud And The Blood"/ "Bolt Action" rules amalgam to fight this action.
Th game was a dawn attack on the the German held village of Rawnslie Les Bains, the attack was launched under cover of a thick mist making visibility only possible at 9", the Germans could however test to hear the approaching British if a German dice came out after the British had moved on the previous dice draw. The one disadvantage for the British was that due to the the mist the supporting Mark IV tank and accompanying infantry section had took a wrong turn and could not be diced for to arrive on table until turn three, requiring a 6 then 5 or 6 etc. each turn. If the Germans did not hear the British approach and had to wait to see the British at 9" then they would have to take a reaction test and if they failed would have to throw 6D6 getting a point of shock for every 5 or 6 rolled. 
The game would last for twelve turns, it was a seesaw battle and could have gone either way both sides in the game missing a chance to capitalise on the others misfortune, Dave may disagree but I think the turning point was Lt. Reggie Rawnsley's heroic attack on the German trench when all about him were about to give up the attack, it was to eventually end his sad demise but ultimately made the way for the ultimate British victory in a game that certainly went to the "wire"
Some pictures of the game follow in no particular order.

British Rifle Grenadiers Advance On The German Trench

Both Sides Started The Game On Blinds

The German Anti-Tank Gun About To Vacate Their Position Opposed By A British Bombing Party

A German Gruppe Occupies The Church

The MarkIV Returns Fire On The Pesky Anti-Tank Rifleman

Rifles Grenadiers Launch!

A Tanks Eye View

The Germans Flee

Some Windy Brits Head For The Rear
The Scene Of Battle
The British Bombing Party Force The A/T gun Crew To Retire



  1. What a great looking game! it's got me feeling it's time I got back to painting some of my own Great War minis!

    1. Thanks Tim, I have a couple of mortar teams in progress at the moment.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Gordon, some folk don't like the stand on top trench systems, but I prefer the versatility. Though you sometimes forget that they are not mounds of earth and that they do not block LOS :-)

    2. Indeed, you sometimes do forget....

  3. Mud & Blood are an excellent set of rules but I'm eagerly looking forward to test the WWI adaptation for Chain of Command sometime over the next months

    1. We have played one game of WWI CoC, we must give it another run out soon.

  4. An excellent game on a wonderful table with fantastic figures! Gamers heaven! Not that I'm influenced at all by the outcome!

    1. You were due a win so will not penalise you for gloating this time.

  5. Atmospheric and very very nice!

    1. Pleased you think so Phil, that is just with practicality and playability in mind is what I aim for.

  6. The game looks amazing. Well done!

  7. Replies
    1. Bartek.

      Damn spell checker, must find out how to turn it off.

  8. A nice report and some very inspiring pictures. Wonderful miniatures!

    1. Thank you Stefan, if it inspires folk my work is done.
