Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 8 September 2014

Partizan Pics And A Touch Of Meldrew Syndrome

Made the trip to Partizan yesterday despite the efforts of the highways agency to thwart our travel, why with all the modern technology and millions unemployed does everything take so long to complete anything these days?
Now Kelham has never been the best lit of venues but this year seemed a lot worse, was I spoilt by the June tented show or have they installed those low light bulbs forced upon us by the green brigade? Either way I left the show with a cracking headache, anyway enough of Victor Meldrew mode and on with the positives (excepting both coffee machines not working, thank goodness for the man in the bar with some instant and an urn). It was extremely crowded first thing, yes it is a positive, thinning out considerably after lunch, the trend at most shows these days it seems, none the less this really helps as one can get about and take some decent snaps, I did not take pics of all of games, I am sure there will be plenty of coverage elsewhere, I just concentrated on the Great War Miniatures game, Simon (B De)Miller's Pydna game with the cast of thousands and the surrounding ones that interested me.

Dave and Aly's splendid 1914 game shows off their sculpting, painting and terrain making talents rather well, for more pics click on the Tales From GHQ link on the right.

Overview From The German Lines

Overview From The British Lines

British Cavalry Move To The Flank

German Staff  Direct Operations

Bringing Up The Guns

Deployed For Action

The Germans Advance

Highlanders Advance To Intercept Them

German Uhlans Clatter Towards The British line

Supported By Jaegers

British Line The Canal To Greet Them

Overview From The British Lines

Moving on four years, the NorthStar/Telford S.T.A.G.S 1918 game

Simon (B De) Millers massive, nay magnificent Pydna spectacle

The League Of Augsberg's Skane Wars game, nice snowy terrain and wonderfully painted Warfare Miniatures figures, these figures have real period charm and character

There you are just four of the rather splendid games at the show, many thanks to all the folk who put them on for us and to Laurence and Tricks who have worked wonders despite the curve balls thrown at them by the new Kelham management this year. Time for a move perhaps chaps?
Purchase wise added nothing to the lead mountain, just added to the MDF stack  courtesy of Warbases and got a haystack and some wire spears off Coriatani.



  1. Nice pictures, Phil! You are far too polite though about the morons in charge of roadworks in the area!

  2. Lovely pictures - those tables look stunning - worth the hassles getting there!

    1. Yes, although it didn't feel so at the time :-)

  3. Great pics, these tables are amazing!

    1. They certainly were, they would have looked even better in June.

  4. That 1914 game is jaw droppingly good!

    1. It was wonderful, a lot better than my pictures show in fact.

  5. Phil, amazing photos of all these games! Thank you so much for sharing. I'm even more depressed now I couldn't make the trip north this time! Hope you had a caffeine injection on the way home to revive you further!

    1. Yes they came out really well considering the light situation, although I did have to up the exposure to 0.7. I only had the one cup, I think that's why I had the headache :-)

  6. Couldn't get there due to work, thanks for the photos, some great looking games.

    1. You are welcome, it's a shame you could not make it, there were some fine games on show.

  7. Some great looking games. The WW1 games look particularly splendid.

    1. Yup some grand games, there was another early war game but it was in a really dark part with little natural light so I did not take any pics of it.
