Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Friday, 14 February 2014

Armoured Truck

Finished off the armoured truck I picked up off Empress at Vapnartak this week, a cleanly cast resin in two halves, body and turret and two metal guns, an ex. Force of Arms kit I believe.  I am also on with the battalion command and machine gun company bases for my early Great War German jaeger battalion, next up will be some Great War Miniatures dismounted uhlans, this release seems to have crept out the back door or I missed it if announced. Just need them to do a staff set now and perhaps some hussars, I recall Dave telling me that he had started on these.

No game this week due to illness and busy schedules, thought that it would have been the weather that postponed it earlier in the week. Well thats it must get back to earning a crust now, heres some I did earlier, Renegade Great War officers and NCO



  1. Great work! The scarf is amazing.

    1. Thank you for the compliment, hopes the customer thinks so too :-)

  2. Great looking stuff Phil.

    Was it an airbrush job as well as a brush job?


    1. Thanks Darrell, just hand painted, Foundry mid tone stone grey, bottom area washed with GW Agrax Earthshade, raised bits and indented bits pin washed with same, matt varnished then a MIG filter applied before drybrushing, highlight stone grey and my ground colour, DecoArt country maple. .

  3. I'll have to give it a go! If and when I have any BoB vehicles to paint.

    GW Agrax Earthshade is really useful, currently using it over Halfords Grey Primer Spray on Late Med. stuff, picks out all the detail nicely.


  4. That's really good Phil, and very prompt after purchase, you must be on a roll from the GWM Tanks! Game next Friday?

    1. It will have to be SCW or GW to blood the vehicle/vehicles Don't you think?
