Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Shrapnel Villa

I thought it was about time that I added another terrain piece to enhance my Great War collection, I wish you a warm welcome to Shrapnel Villa

The circled cross hatched areas are to be kept clear for the placement of machine gun teams, I will make separate pieces with debris to put in when the ruin is unoccupied.

The building remains are the ruined farmhouse from Warlord Games, the MDF base is from War Bases, I can't remember who makes the small shell crater.

More as it progresses.



  1. Nice start! Hovells make the shell craters I think.

  2. Very nice start to your build.

    I used parts of the same warlord kit for my Swedish Barn to our "A Very Moderate Swedish Conflict" project. I did some remodeling of the parts and I hust say the material was hard to work with.

    Looking forward to see the progres of your build .

    Best regards Michael

  3. Looks really splendid. I'm very interested in how you get on with the Warlord kit - easier/ better than scratchbuilding?

  4. Yes the plastic is really weird, hard to cut but then again very soft to work with, hate to think what the figures are like to work with.

  5. Looks good so far! Have built this Warlord cr*p myself and I hated it.

    1. Yup the parts I had were warped in places and there will be a lot of filling necessary and not just in the parts that were not meant to fit together. I think using it still saves a fair ammount of time though, glad I didn't get the the big box all the same :-)
