Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Surely Some Mistake?

The place Spain early 1937, objective seize and hold the bridge. Nationalist forces approaching the bridge are four squads of Foreign Legion including two 50mm mortars and a HMG with support of a squad of Regulares.
Also heading to occupy the bridge is the following Republican force consisting of five squads of EPR with HMG and 50mm mortar support.
The opposing forces converge on the bridge.
A squad of SFL wait for their comrades to nullify the threat from the the flanks.
The Republicans have the same plan it appears?
The Nationalists consolidate on their left flank engaging the Republicans on the other side of the river.
The Republicans advance to counter, but there is some confusion (a FUBAR roll) and one squad advances to the rear.
On the Nationalist right a squad and heavy weapons teams in support prepare to give the Republicans on that flank a hot reception.
The Republicans come under heavy and accurate fire, a hot reception indeed 
The Republican platoon commander moves up to encourage the faltering troops on the other flank who are missing the support of the retreating squads less than enthusiastic return to the fray.
A random event draw saw the Republican Assaultos miss an order to advance and support their left where the Republican heavy weapons teams were all but eliminated so that the Nationalist could concentrate their fire on them alone.
Up to turn three it looked as though the encounter would peter out into a draw, however as happens a lot after the break for lunch the balance switched dramatically to the Nationalists the draw of the order dice favouring them. The Republicans suffered from some devastating fire blunting their ability to reply. Turn four and the Nationalists took advantage of this storming over the bridge causing further mayhem.
Turn six and the Republican platoon commander ordered a withdrawal.
A rare victory for the Nationalists, surely some mistake?
As an aside several years ago I made a periscope that seldom gets used, too old school? With the use of measuring sticks in our recent games I thought this ought to get used too especially as Bolt Action uses true line of sight. We are both getting on to keep crouching down if needed and risk not being able to rise again😂 so out it came.
The periscope cunningly disguised as a house front.
Until next time..............


  1. A grand game despite the resulting carnage on the Republican side! The periscope is grand, looks just right on the table.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the game. The Republicans have certainly had a fine run of success until now.

  2. Outstanding SCW action, Phil! Your disguised periscope is an inspired and clever bit of work. Nice!

    1. Thank you Jonathan glad you approve of the disguise.

  3. Cracking looking game, the table looks excellent. Love the periscope it really is very well done to incorporate it into a house model, very clever indeed.

    1. Thank you Donnie your continued encouragement is much appreciated.

  4. Well worth the read. The figures and terrain look terrific, the periscope blends in well, the bridge reminds me I have one like it that needs building into a river section to blend better. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you Stephen pleased you found it entertaining. I need to do the same for mine if you look closely you can probably see the gap where I tried to hide it with lichen.

  5. Lovely looking SCW game - just shame about the result - it's never a good day when the Fascists win! All that blundering and missing orders etc. did sound unfortunately appropriate for the Republican cause, though!

  6. Thank you Keith. In consolation I think it was only their second win since I started recording games on the blog, Dave certainly didn't get the run of the dice at critical times.

  7. Beautiful SCW game Phil! Clever with the periscope!:-)


  8. Fantastic looking game and the periscope is inspired!

    Finally, the Nasties had to win something eventually.

    1. Thank you Matt. I will endeavour to worse next
      time I command them🙂

  9. Loved the periscope Phil, inspiring.

  10. A splendid display of modelling there on all fronts, fine looking figures and terrain!.... and a great way of determining LOS.
    Excellent work all round Phil.

  11. What a great game and BATREP...and i agree with everyone...I love the camouflages periscope!

    1. Thank you John pleased you enjoyed it and approve of the camouflage.

  12. Splendid stuff indeed Phil…
    And… shock horror….a victory 😱
    An of course… I too love the periscope.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly. I was surprised by a Nationalist victory too, I seem to be on a roll at the moment.
