Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Repulse At San Hernandez

 Having being pushed back in previous encounters the Carlist forces, bolstered by two freshly raised battalions have made a stand at the village of San Hernandez.

 Following them up are the Isabelino forces under command of Don Biklos and his brigade commanders Don Juan Blanca and Napoleonic wars veteran General Bickleigh commanding the British Auxiliary Legion and attached Royal Marines.

The hard marching needed to keep up with the fleet footed Carlists troops had seemingly taken its toll, Don Juan's troops approaching the waiting enemy was to say the least, tardy. Similarly the British were also making heavy weather of it, a hard night in the local taverna's no doubt (yes they were the equivalent "lager louts of their day"). Finally both brigades got moving in relative tandem.

The Isabelino force attacked on a broad front supported by horse artillery and the unpredictable Royal Marine rockets, although they were as if not, more effective. There was little Carlist movement as expected with most of them safely ensconced behind the village walls although the hussars did advance to the ford to counter any Isabelino cavalry probe on the Carlist left flank.

Eventually heavy firing erupted along the entire front both sides troops becoming disordered, recovering and becoming disordered yet again. Casualties mounted on both sides with their commanders kept busy steadying their respective battalions. 

One of the freshly raised battalions who had been braving the hail of rockets finally had enough and retired from the field shaken to balance things over on the Isabelino right the infantry who had been taking the brunt of the Carlist artillery fire broke and quit the field.

 As the day waned the Isabelino force broke and quit the field despite their valiant efforts to force the Carlists back again.

We used Black Powder rules which give both of us the type of game we want without having to remember different rule sets, for those folk interested in BP I will list the command ratings and special rules used to flavour the vanilla that some folk accuse them of.

The Spanish brigade commander was rated a seven, the BAL commander being a Napoleonic wars veteran was rated an eight, with both Carlist commanders rated eight.

The Royal Marine detachment were given the Reliable rule, the newly raised Carlists were given the Freshly Raised rule, all the Carlists were classed Stubborn, though with hindsight with them mostly being in hard cover perhaps I should have just increased their Stamina to four to reflect their do or die attitude. All troops were given the First Fire rule.

All being well Dave and myself are off to Partizan on Sunday, hope to see some of you there.





  1. A great looking game with some lovely figures and terrain Phil

  2. A glorious table and exquisite collection to grace the very best of the halls of any Wargamers' Valhalla! A great game to play in despite the ultimate failure of Don Juan's Command ability 🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲

    1. Thank you for the glowing endorsement. Juan needed the dice of doom.

  3. A lovely looking game Phil…
    As I recall the British did have a rather bad reputation for drunkenness and disorderly conduct…
    Maybe they should have a minus one for having a hangover…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly. Indeed their fondness for the Spanish drinking establishments is mentioned in Edward Brett's book on the BAL. I think the minus one would really have done for them, they wouldn't be on the table now😂

  4. Carlists look fantastic. Hope we can catch up at Partizan. David

    1. Thank you David, see you Sunday all being well.

  5. Lovely looking collection Phil, don’t think Partizan is going to happen this year just because of the driving👍

    1. Thank you Matt. It's a fair drive, probably better to make a weekend of it, plenty of interesting places to visit.

  6. Great report and lovely table and troops as always Phil, still hoping to get down on Sunday.

  7. Superb wargaming spectacle, Phil! Wonderful photos of your colorful collection. How do you take such atmospheric photos with the wafting smoke during the heat of battle?

    1. Thank you Jonathan. I didn't have any moving in this game so I had more time than usual and I took advantage of the lunch break.

  8. A excellent looking game Phil! It's always a treat to see your Caralist War collection in action.


  9. Inspirational stuff, brilliant painting,and great terrain.


  10. Very enjoyable, thank you. Nice looking figures too.
