Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Baldinus Mortuus Est

 Dave came over to OHQ for our weekly get together, we did a Roman v Goth bash to try out our recent modifications to Neil Thomas's Ancient and Medieval rules, the AMW rule page has been updated accordingly.

I didn't take any photos of the game concentrating instead on seeing the effects of the Goth warband deep additional rules.

It was a hard fought battle both sides initially advancing cautiously, with the Goth archers softening up the Roman lines prior to the warbands engaging. The warband changes gave the Goths more longevity against the legions, however a Roman win was the final result, not before disaster struck. Seeing a gap in the Roman line and old Baldinus and his entourage out on their own, the Equite Singurlares were destroyed earlier plugging a gap in the line, the Goth nobles charged. Although putting up a stern fight Baldinus was slain!

Civil war is now on the cards, Bicclius Maximus has his eye on the throne, Baldinus Minimus beware!

Figures to increase the Roman collection and a figure for Bicclius are being cleaned up and primed.



  1. Bicclius Magnus I would hope. A great game going right to the wire! Good to see additions are in the pipeline.

  2. Civil war again, they never did catch on, I will await new battles.

    1. They did their best to make them fashionable in the third century.

  3. Sounds good Phil but I needed those photos for inspiration 😀

    1. Thank you Matt. Click on 3rd century Romans plenty of inspiration there, and I will have some nice Aventine early Byzantine cavalry to post in the next few days just to tempt you more.

  4. Replies
    1. Sadly yes, the Emperor's artist was to upset to record it.

  5. I'm sure it looked great! Sounds like fun anyway!
    Best Iain

    1. Same as the other battle pics really has I have added nothing new recently. That will be remedied shortly, Bicclius and his banner plus the first four A&A miniatures Praetorian Guard are primed🙂
