Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Thursday, 21 January 2021

1943 - 45 20mm

For the first post of the year I thought that I would post photos of the recent additions to the 20mm World War II collection.

Finished the back end of 2020 this railway station for the fictional German town of Rahnstadt, an EBay purchase, either Faller or Kibri I can't recall which. Duly painted and made good, lots of these second hand buildings have been lifted of railway layouts so can be a tad worse for wear.

Symbol deleted in case I wish to post it on social meedja, never can tell what they will boot off these days.

This year I have finally got around to doing this Sig33 150mm infantry gun from SHQ with the crew coming from AB Figures, base from Warbases as ever. 

Purchased and painted this year! is this Trumpeter models Jagdpanzer IV with an RB barrel.

While I was on the Lancer Miniatures website to order the barrel for the above, I also ordered this ruined Russian building with an anti-tank gun position.

That's two items purchased and painted in the same month, I doubt it will  be repeated anytime soon.

I have not managed to get around to playing a game using Rapid Fire reloaded, maybe next month?

Until next time keep safe and KBO.


  1. Those WWII additions, both buildings and vehicle/gun are grand. You know that I find your WWII collection the very best I've ever seen or played with. More soon please!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Jonathan. I built up the platform and the loading bay at the rear, apart from that it was a prime and paint job.

  3. The Lancer Miniatures ruin looks a useful building, a good fit for many situations. I like the Lancer stuff and from memory they do a rail station, though your e-bay station is also a fine addition. My easy supply of second hand railroad resin buildings has ended with the model / hobby shop going a few months ago! Based up and mucky wash added, they always come good.

    1. Thank you Norm, indeed they do and a fine piece it is. I have just taken delivery of two houses in fine condition just a hand rail to replace and they are good to prime and paint.

  4. All of it is great but really like that railway station in particular Phil!


    1. Thank you Christopher, I was quite pleased with how it came out. Just need to get it in a game now.

  5. Very nice Phil...
    I’ve always had a soft spot for the Sig33 since I scratch built one when I was a youth... it think it was based on an Airfix Magazine article...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly. You scratchbuilt one, wow that's no mean feat even if it didn't require banana oil๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Nice job on the buildings and I especially like the infantry gun. ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Thank you Stew, the gun had been languishing in the to do pile for far too long

  7. Great looking infantry gun and the terrain pieces are lovely, I've got a damaged German church to prime and paint at some point!
    Best Iain

  8. Thank you Iain. I am sure that your church will get done in the fullness of wargames time๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Nice work all round Phil! The train station looks quite similar to one right around the corner of my in laws, bar the propaganda obviously. So spot on I'd say.
    Love both the Jagdpanzer IV and the SIG. AB are just lovely miniaures.

    1. Thank you Nick, nice to know the station has a contemporary to match.

  10. Great work Phil, everything is looking really smart, but I think the train station wins

    1. Thank you Paul. The station has it so it seems, I have just taken delivery of some houses with another and a farm building with barn on the way.

  11. Some lovely models here, well done
