Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Thursday, 31 December 2020

It's That Little Souvenir Of A Terrible Year

 I thought I might record what I managed on the hobby front in the year of Covid. I managed to make it to what was possibly the last shows of 2020 in the UK, namely WMMS and Hammerhead, I can't remember how many games Dave and myself managed between lockdown and tiers, Matt Crump kindly arranged three games via Zoom and I played a few solo games along way.

Figure wise I painted 297 figures, I also assembled and painted 14 1/72nd AFVs and a Russian PE2 bomber.

Meanwhile on the terrain front I made an hermitage with outbuilding from Charlie Foxtrot and Warbases respectively for my Spanish Civil Wars collections and re-painted an EBay purchase of a railway station for my fictional town of Rahnstadt, other terrain items included barb wire sections and fences for my 20mm WWII collection and three Pegasus Models Russian izbas. For the 28mm collections I also painted a culvert and fences from Sabotag3d and a Warlord bunker kindly given to me by Norm.

A little montage from the year.


The way ahead, well who knows? No face to face games or shows for the foreseeable future thats for sure, in the meantime its a case of dig in, hunker down and KBO.



  1. Phil, even though you are at heart a social gamer, you kept the flag flying, sharing some nice solo games and certainly giving me so good reads.

    My fave I think was the Ponyri scenario. I liked your Villain Mat (inspired me to buy my own) and I can’t help but like the trio of SU 76, fantastic vehicles.

    Have an excellent New Year, it feels like the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter despite the current set back.

  2. Thank you for the glowing words of encouragement Norm, hoping to play a solo game on Sunday to try out RF Reloaded.

    All the best for 2021.

  3. Happy New Year Phil! I may not have made it through without your friendship and patience! Here's to our next game! KBO old chum, KBO!

    1. Thank you kind Sir, KBO is all we can do at present.

  4. Some lovely stuff Phil....and it would have been a tough year without this hobby. I am waiting till my son goes back to London but will then be back in touch for a game KBO👍 Still not sure I should do SCW even though he bought me the books !

    1. Thank you Matt. Indeed the hobby does keep the dark hound at bay, I shall have to knuckle down and sort a camera set up so I can host you a SCW game, not has I am trying to tempt you of course 🙂

  5. Thanks for helping all of us get through it and of course lovely work throughout Phil!


    1. Thank you Christopher, if the blog helps just a little it is all worthwhile.

  6. KBO, just about all we can do Phil, will look forward to your 2021 additions.

    1. It is indeed George, plenty on the bench at present and hopefully a solo game tomorrow.

  7. Very nice work and a very productive year - every cloud has a silver lining! Best wishes for 2021.

    1. Thank you and for your support and comments in 2020. Let's hope we all have a better 2021.

  8. Some really lovely stuff produced this year! A nice distraction from reality!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain. The hobby has been a Godsend for many I feel.
