Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 4 November 2019

Anarchist Attack

This one's for you Nigel, you beat the bastard once, you can do it again, no passaran!

OHQ's turn to host this week, Dave came over for a Spanish Civil war game, we used Rapid Fire rules with some of the modifications suggested by Mark Hannam and a fire chart to replace the unwieldy one in the current version, gleaned from the Rapid Fire Facebook page.

The Republican aim was to neutralise a Nationalist bunker which dominated a strategic railway line, various air attacks had failed in this task.
The attack would be carried out by an Anarchist militia platoon, with support from an army 75mm field gun, an armoured truck and a BA10 armoured car. The bunker would be assaulted by a shock squad armed with dynamite and a captured flamethrower.
Facing this was a platoon of Spanish Foreign Legion, supported by a Pak36 anti-tank gun with a HMG emplaced in the bunker.

The defenders learn of an early dawn attack and stand too

The Anarchist attack begins

The Nationalists move troops forward, too little and too late

The Anarchists surge forward to steal the prize

An overwhelming victory for the Republic, as is my want when defending I waited far to long to deploy additional troops letting my forward squads together with the Pak36, which in its turn deployed far later than it should have, get decimated by concentrated vehicle and infantry fire. No blame on the dice gods this time I hasten to say.



  1. In truth from the Republican perspective it seemed very one sided, especially when your anti tank capability was removed. A pleasure though as ever to game on a beautiful table with such fantastic figures.

    1. Your to kind there, more a case of could have done better.

  2. Lovely terrain, figures etc. and you remind me I have to get rails.

    1. Thank you George. Railways are an important feature for 20th century games I feel.

  3. As always a lovely looking game, the railway line does a fine job of moving your carlist scenery into the 1930's!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain. Yup a rail track is like a time machine :~)

  4. Superb looking terrain Phil and definitely has the right feel to it with the church and tower on the hilltop and the stonewalled vineyards. (plus the railway track)

  5. Looks brilliant Phil. I can never seem to get a victory as the Republicans.

    1. Thank you Paul. Play against me and victory will be assured, my excuse is that subconsciously I don't want the black hats to win.

  6. A lovely looking game but your tactical exploits remind me very much of my own genius as a commander ;-)

    1. Thank you Nick. I am just hopeless at mounting a viable defence.
