Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Saturday, 8 December 2018

A Hill In Spain?

A few months ago I started to re purpose an old escarpment that we used for the Back of Beyond game we took on the show circuit, I adapted a Chinese fort we used for the game to sit on top. Dave had given me some surplus buildings from his palazzo build but I could not see where to utilise them with the way the castle sat on the hill so the project had stalled. Then a couple of weeks ago Pat posted pics of his hill top village build, suitably inspired, and with sitting down for figure painting time curtailed by a bout of sciatica, terrain I can do standing, I removed the castle and set about the hill, without the castle in situ it would be more versatile and I could  then work on the castle as a separate piece which would still fit on the hill.
Here is the result.....
With buildings.....

My latest additions to the Republican forces advance stealthily up the path....
I may extend it in due course, but will wait until Pat 's Mediterranean book is published for further inspiration and tips.

I am off to GHQ Monday for a Seven years War game and Jon is due Tuesday evening for a foray in the Spanish Civil War using my Battlegroup/Bolt Action/Chain of Command mash up.



  1. A realistic and splenedid hill!

  2. Nice work, Silverwhistle’s blog is an unending source of inspiration. Only critic however, the windmill doesn’t look very Spanish

    1. Thank you Anibal, the windmill is from Grand Manner it is based on one at Bussaco, not the ones you get on Google, although I based the sails on the ones on there.

    2. Yup, but it's Iberian so will do for me :~)

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Lancet no, glad you think I have captured the feel.

  4. Lovely bit of terrain basing!
    Best Iain

  5. A splendid addition to the Mediterranean terrain. Buildings sit really well on it. Hope the sciatica clears up soon too!

    1. Thank you. A bit of a gap here and there by that can be disguised with lichen. Sciatica shows little sign of abating :~(

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Matt. Hope to get it on the table Tuesday.

  7. A lovely bit of terrain Philip...
    I can see that being defended throughout the ‘history ‘ of your collection.

    All the best. Aly

  8. Lovely work Phil, will give same more variety and depth 😀

  9. Thanks Matt, it certainly will, looking back at last games it appears my battles in Spain have fallen in the plain.

  10. Hills don't seem to feature in Bolt Action either, that is a nice example though.

    1. Thank you George. Now you mention it they are few and far between, perhaps it would be to easy to hide from all the snipers and flamethrowers, not forgetting the obligatory assault rifles.

  11. Wonderful work, Phil - my memories of some wonderful trips and holidays in Spain are flooding back. Great stuff!

    1. Thank you Sidney. Glad it makes you think of Spain, I have to make my terrain pretty generic playing different periods.
