Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 10 September 2018

Kampf An Der Brücke

A photo montage of today’s eastern front game using Battlegroup rules using order dice to decide which side could issue orders during the turn which I mentioned in the previous post..
A totally inept performance by Germans, that would be me of course, gifted victory to the Russians, commanded by Comrade General Bikkliski
The Russians will enter from the top right corner and the Germans from the bottom left.
The Germans failed to take advantage of their early initiative and find themselves hemmed in on the wrong side of the bridge.
Russian reserves surge forward in support of the initial wave.
The Germans in desperation send an ill fated assault across the bridge, a case of to little to late, needless to say it is decisively driven off
The Russians continue to consolidate
A T34 lies in wait to side shot any Stug that ventures across the bridge.
The Pak40 is destroyed by an HE hit from a T34

It became evident before lunch that the Germans were never going to drive off the advancing Russians, but needing to play on to keep the rules fresh in mind we carried on further until time ran out. When time ran out the Germans were two Battle Rating points off breaking, whilst the Russians were over ten away, this will gain them three victory points in our loose ongoing 1943 campaign.
Next game we will continue with the 1945 Rawnstadt campaign where the Russians also have a three to nil lead.



  1. I am winning in two campaigns? Are you sure? Things must be looking up! A grand day, helped along by enjoying the Germans floundering somewhat!

  2. Floundering, I think you are being a tad kind there :~)

    Glad you enjoyed it though, I think I missed not having a panzerschreck ;~)

  3. Such a lovely table, looks like a good time was had by all.

    1. Thank you Norm, I doubt my little lead men had a good time ;~)

  4. Interesting game, murder getting hemmed in with nowhere to go.

    1. Indeed, and I appear of making an habit of it.

  5. What a beautiful terrain, sounds great!

    1. Thank you Phil, I certainly set myself up for a challenge. Dave had the bridge too well covered by the time I got my act together.

  6. A lovely looking game Phil...
    You fell victim to one of the classic blunders....

    Never get involved in a land war in Asia...

    All the best. Aly.

    1. Thank you Aly. I shall command the Russians next outing, let's see if I can do better.

  7. Good looking game Phil the Germans did seem to start with some tactical disadvantages with the bridges and river a huge challenge to deployment, I hope you didn’t let The Russians set up the scenario 🤔

    1. Thanks Matt. No the terrain was all down to me, the problem was I got fixated on taking an objective early with my recce and not getting my main force across the bridge.

  8. Lovely looking game,it was the effects of the new bridge, even worse than a newly painted unit as it affects everything!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. Yes you may well be right there :~)
