Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 23 July 2018

Volver al fuego rápido

For this weeks game we return to Espana for a Civil War encounter using Rapid Fire rules, however it will be 1:1 scale rather than 15:1, though I am sure the majority of people consider it as 1:1 anyway when they are playing.
However we will not consider LMG’s as integral, so squads with a LMG will add 5 fire points at short range and 3 fire points at medium/long range, if any figure has a SMG it will add 2 fire points at short range only, the figure holding the weapon will not count for fire points as well though.
We will also allow HMG's and squads with LMG's and small arms which total 6 or more fire points fire at armoured vehicles counting as Gun Class 6, although they cannot damage the vehicle a result of light damage or heavy damage will cause the vehicle to take a morale test.
Both the Legion of the Bando Nacional and the Internationals of the EPR will test morale as elite and fire as regulars.
The latest addition to my collection, a WoW buildings train station.

The battlefield for today

La Legion deploy

The EPR enter the table also.

The EPR Bilbao A/C slinks into partial cover.

La Legions failed outflank

The would be flankers about to be flanked

The Bilbao comes out of hiding after the PzI retires

The PzI prepares to cover the retreat

 The engagement began with a game of cat and mouse, both sides being cagey with their movement, I managed to manoeuvre myself into a corner on the left whilst I attempted a flanking advance on the right, my troops totally misjudged the density of the cover they used, only moving six inches in five moves, eek! In the centre the Bilbao and the PzI traded shots, I could not bring any extra fire to bear due to my poor positioning earlier whilst the Republican forces did, the combined fire finally made my PzI retire, while on my left the Republicans mopped up my isolated squads.
With casualties mounting and the flanking force grinding to a halt the CO ordered a withdraw leaving yet another village in Republican hands.

We both enjoyed the game immensely, with some hilarious moments, mostly at a cost to the Nationalists I might add.
We thought Rapid Fire worked well, even with the generous amount of cover if we had been using Bolt Action I think it would have been a blood bath, especially with the small size of Spanish squads.

Hasta la vista.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you George, just finished a fountain, decorative column and a windmill to the collection.

  2. Fantastic looking table Phil! Really like the courtyard editions in particular. We just had a SCW bash for the first time using Coc and great fun was had!


    1. Thank you Christopher. Dave dislikes CoC, hence using Rapid Fire, I have something else planned for next outing though.

  3. It is always a joy to game with your wonderful collections on such exquisite terrain, though always better for the right result! 😉 RF2 worked really well, especially the diced deductions for movement 😂

    1. How strange that the rules we will be using next time don’t have any 🤣
      Doubt it will do me much good though.

  4. A lovely table, I think Rapid Fire has always 'enjoyed' a certain multi scale status.

  5. A lovely looking game Phil
    And once again... the correct result

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly. I will do my best to change that next time, but I am not holding my breath.

  6. Your games never fail to inspire! Great terrain, figures, photos and AARs.

  7. Thank you William, much appreciated.

  8. What a splendid looking game! ¡No Pasarán!

    1. Thank you Nick. The Nationalists will never pass while I command them it seems.

  9. Great looking game,your consitently getting the right result, it's a pity your on the wrong side!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. Indeed it sweetens the bitter pill of losing.
