Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 2 July 2018

On The Buses.

You wait for nearly a month for a game at OHQ then two come together. Today Dave made his first solo trip to OHQ since his hip op for a Spanish Civil War game and Jon is scheduled to come on Wednesday for a First Carlist War game.
For today's game I used Bolt Action rules, a straight up encounter between La Legion and Carlist Requettes and Anarchist militia supported by the International Brigade with the winner being the side which eliminated more enemy units.
I added an additional dice to the order dice in the bag this would generate a random event from the card deck, six cards one for each turn chosen randomly from my deck of eighteen cards by Dave before the game. Both sides would nominate which of their platoons would attempt to enter the table first, these would be required to pass an order test to enter. Once all these had been allocated dice the other platoon could attempt to enter with a minus one to their roll, any sections not on table in turn one would have to be given orders to enter in turn two before any on table sections could be given any. Units who failed to enter on turn two would be considered lost.
Dave as usual took command of the government forces while I took command of the rebels.
The Scene Of Today's Action
Turn one saw both sides with units still to enter the table, with the advantage to the rebels, the random card draw gave one of the rebel sections an extra move, this got a section of Legion to the stable yard wall. The Casa Blanca proved more of an hindrance to the rebels as it only had one window facing the government troops line of approach, I should really have just occupied the yard at the back and concentrated the remaining sections around the stable block, especially as that was where the main government thrust came from.
Turn two saw all units from both sides on table, with the run of the order dice enabling the rebels to concentrate their sections around the stables and position their 50mm mortar teams, meanwhile a section of anarchists stormed up the road drawing rebel fire away from the approach of the Internationals on their right. The card draw saw the removal of a government order dice for that turn, slowing their advance only slightly.
A Curious Bull Looks On At The Advancing Internationals
On to turn three, the Legion although being stubborn veterans still suffer from their small squad size, the section manning the wall against the advancing Internationals being depleted and pinned by them were assaulted by a anarchist section and wiped out. The Siesta Manana card being drawn ended the turn abruptly leaving my Carlists doing nothing this turn.
Things only got worse for the rebels in the next turn, the Republican Air Attack card was drawn, the legion section in the stable yard was targeted, taking two pins and three casualties, in turn they were assaulted by the victorious anarchist squad from the last turn and they too were wiped out to the man. This was to prove curtains for a depleted Legion section also sheltering there next turn, from there the rebels could not hope to redress the balance. Another convincing win for the government forces.
Two To One, I think We May Be Done For, Viva  La Muerte!

I think It May Be A Good Time To Withdraw
Hopefully we will be back in Spain a hundred years earlier on Wednesday.

Hasta La Vista Amigos


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Michal, always more to come, constantly adding both terrain and figures.

  2. Excellent game! I watch with huge interest 8)

  3. Evocative pictures and great looking table!

  4. Wonderful looking game and keep them coming!


  5. Sometimes, skirmishes are short and to the point.

    1. Indeed, tactically I lost this one after turn two.

  6. Lovely looking figures and splendid terrain plus the good (ish) guys won! The Legion seems to be fulfilling their motto of"death to life!", probably didn't intend their own!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain. You know sometimes I think I don't want to win with the Nationalists, I threw the earlier advantage completely away by poor tactical choices.

  7. I enjoyed my day more than you can imagine, so good to get out on my own at last. Wonderful game, a real treat to play in!

    1. Glad to make your solo away day a even more memorable one.

  8. Beautiful terrain and figures, a joy to look at.

  9. Lovely stuff but that seemed a very short and sharp 🧐

    1. Thanks Matt. We played the usual six turns out, because you never know what can happen, but it would have taken some really good luck for the Nationalists and some very bad luck for the Republic plus a seventh turn for the Nationalists to turn anything around.

  10. Looks like an absolutely awesome game.

  11. It was certainly challenging if nothing else.

  12. A great looking game...
    And the forces of darkness...did not pass ... :-)

    All the best. Aly

  13. Thank you Aly, and indeed they didn't.
