Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Friday, 7 October 2016

Espana And Great War Additions

A few bits that I have squeezed into my workload recently.
For the Great War, a 77mm field gun and crew From Great War Miniatures, I have also done the early war version but forgot to photograph it.
Whilst at the Derby Worlds last weekend I got some more pieces from Coriatani to fill up no-man's land, a bargain at £7.50 total, I have added some barbed wire and a corrugated iron sheet to make the multiple crater piece a little different to the same piece I already have .

I also got one of the new trench pieces from John at Ironclad Miniatures, a shell damaged section, I really like this one and I am looking forward to the other pieces he has in the pipeline.
For the Spanish Civil War I have painted some miliciano's and miliciana's, I also picked up from Empress Miniatures the recent Republican support weapons pack so my SCW lead pile has not diminished.
For an excellent report and pics of this weeks Indian Mutiny game pop over to GHQ (clicky)

That's all from OHQ for the time being, back in a couple of weeks or so, take care.



  1. Love the gun.

    I just put together a Great War Miniatures German MG team - it was one of the nicest MG team model I ever put together.

    How was the 77 to put together?

    1. Thanks Tim, I was dreading having to assemble two of them, but they went to together a treat, no problem.

  2. GWM are so simple to assemble with little flash. I'm a big fan. Lovely work, Phil.

    1. Thanks Stephen.
      GWM are indeed the bees knees.

  3. Some nice stuff there.....the trench system is especially ! Quite expensive and I always look at them at shows and think I could probably make day.😀

    1. Thanks Matt. I got my first tranche with EBay proceeds and the next when John had a 20% off sale, I now just add the new bits he makes.

  4. Lovely figs and terrain peices...and the gun is just superb!

  5. Grand work there on figures and terrain! Enjoy the holiday in Greece!

  6. Thank you DB, they'll do.

    I will do my best to.

  7. Wonderful work on the gun! Those late WW1 camo schemes really are something special.

    1. Thank you. I left the wheels and trail green grey, I thought that doing them in camo was a bit OTT, and it would show off the shield and barrel a bit better.

  8. A nice gun and terrain pieces, decent, practical terrain is half the battle.

  9. Thank you George. The Coriatani and Ironclad stuff is certainly that.

  10. Great looking gun, lovely civil war types and some splendid scenery! Best Iain

  11. Wonderful gun and terrain, very impressive!
