Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Mk IV - Beute

To ease myself back into figure painting mode after our summer break I finished off the Warlord Mk. IV I started back at the start of the year, you can see a picture prior to weathering in one of my March posts.
The weathering was done using Mig products, a three tone camo wash highlighted, then chipping added together with rust and oil patches. It was then varnished before adding some streaking grime and varnished again prior to adding a filter before a final drybrush of my base colour on the lower parts and a last coat of varnish. I wanted a rough hand painted look on the crosses so I painted them by hand, accentuating the black part to enhance visibility.  

Keeping the Great war theme, Mondays game will be a Great War game, the scenario from the previous game but this time will use Bolt Action with the Gajo Games mods.



  1. That is just wonderful Phil! I sometimes think that between you and Matt I might as well give up painting, it's an unequal struggle!

  2. Thank you David. We all have other folks stuff that we aspire to KBO we can only improve.

  3. That is a great looking tank, Phil!

    1. Thank you Tim, I would have preferred another Great War Miniatures one, but with 20% off and free postage it was an offer I could not refuse.

  4. That is a very impressive looking model. I like the weathering especially, not overdone and somehow enhances the "solid" look of the piece. I have heard of MIG products, I will have carry out a bit more research for my Emhar 20mm kit of the same.

    1. Thanks Matt. Yes it is quite easy to get carried away on the weathering, there is so much out there to titivate things, I have to remember it's for gaming not a scale model for display.

  5. Really nicely finished tank.😀

    1. Thank you Matt, it did not see action yesterday but hope it will make its debut soon.
