Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Goth Archers

I managed to finish another unit of Goth archers before we went off on our break, I also painted a couple of Ebor Miniatures War of the Spanish Succession figures, I had toyed with the idea of revisiting the period, but after seeing the lads from Grimsby's game at Partizan I was reminded of one of the reasons we sold up and moved on. Half a dozen units on a six by four does just not cut it, I may build a small force for each side based in peninsular for Sharp Practice, we will see.
Footsore Miniatures With A Foundry Casting Room Miniatures Obligatory Pointy Chap

Musketeer, Spanish Saboya Regiment

A British Officer

Really Like The Voluminous Sash
Off to Dave's on Monday for a French Revolutionary War bash and Christen Dave's new town, he has made a superb job of it, do check it out on his blog, listed on the side bar Tales From GHQ 



  1. Outstanding job on the musketeer, so many details...and beautiful other figures!

    1. Thank you Phil, the Ebor figures are really good so full of character and paint up really well.

  2. Super work,as ever, Phil! Thanks for the plug for Talesfromghq too.

    1. Thank you and you are welcome, a great piece worthy of a wider audience.

  3. Brilliant painting on all of these figures.

    Cheers, Ross

  4. Lovely...especially the musketeer and British officer! Superb!

  5. Thank you Gordon, they are fine figures a joy to paint.
