Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Goths, Carlists and Christinos, A Bit Of Progress.

Painting for my own collections has progressed in a stately fashion, I have just the MG company and regimental command to do for my early Great War German infantry battalion, then its a field gun and crew plus some high command figures and the project is complete,although I will add some hussars when they get around to doing the dismounted versions. The grand plan to finish off two cavalry units for the first Carlist War by the end of February failed miserably, all is not lost though I have completed a base of each.
Carlist Ontario Hussars

British Auxiliary Legion Lancers
  On the third century front, I have completed three more Goth cavalry to finish the base off and I have the last six figures in progress to complete the II Adiutrix Legion, I am also progressing well with the Grand Manner Roman Villa/Travellers rest I collected from Dave at WMMS.
So all in all not a bad start for the year.

  Has planned I popped over to GHQ for a French Revolutionary Wars game, Dave had all the figures out that he has painted so far so that Dan from WI could photograph them for a forthcoming article, so we left them as they were which meant that the French were heavily outnumbered by the coalition. In the event I managed a winning draw, which I was quite chuffed with, in fact had a couple of my bold attacks payed dividends the tables could have been turned.
No idea what game we will do here next yet.



  1. All very good stuff
    With the coming of Sharp Practice, I'm tempted to do some Carlists

    1. Thank you Anibal, talking of SP 2, check out Fuerte el Diablo on the side bar.

  2. All superb...particularly the Goth Cavalry. Just brilliant!

    1. Thank you Gordon, they are really great figures you can't go wrong with them.

  3. "Stately", I like that description! Sums both of us up now a days I feel. Goths look ace, as did the Romans I saw last week. Keep at it, despite my Normans!!!!!

  4. Splendid job on these cavaly units, love the Carlist Ontario Hussars...

    1. Thank you Phil, the Ontario Hussars are a must have, despite being in a different army to mine. One of the joys of wargaming is the look of the thing, so they will do for me.

  5. Great paintjob, and a very nice basing! Cheers!
