Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Sunday, 6 March 2016

About Time?

When we played the last Spanish Civil War game I wondered how much more I could regurgitate the same terrain pieces and remembered that I had picked up a Grand Manner Spanish outhouse from Dave at Salute in 2014 so thought it was high time I got it painted. At the same time I got a "Vandalised" statue and some wattle enclosures for the Dux Brit project, so I set to in between figure painting the last weeks and got the outbuilding and statue painted up.

Defaced Statue Of The Tyrant Pompus Maximus

A Versatile Piece That Will See Service In Several Of The Periods I Currently Play

 Don't ask why there is such a bloody big gap, another "improvement" by the nerds no doubt.
Anyway to get back, I have also the past few weeks been doing the odd bit to a Great War MkIV that I picked up from Warlord during the sale and free postage offer earlier in the year, to paint up for the Germans, needs to washed, weathered and filtered next, I have also resprayed a Fabri die-cast T34/85 picked up from The Works late last year, again needs to be finished as above.

TTFN (I will not attempt to put text after the next pics, else the post may be a yard long)


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Gordon. Dave makes some really nice pieces that are a pleasure to paint.

  2. The statue and the first building are awesome!

    1. Thank you Phil, the quality of the pieces certainly helps too.

  3. Fine work on those pieces Phil! At least PMaxImp has a statue, more than can be said of Baldinus...

    1. Thanks DB. Baldinus will have a magnificent Triumphal Arch one day, it is in the omens :-)

  4. That's a varied assortment of pieces and periods, all nice looking models.

    1. Thanks Matt. Variety is the spice of life they say :-)

  5. Lovely work. I echo the chorus of praise for that statue, as well as the other pieces!

  6. Thank you Peter, picking up the Roman Travellers Rest tomorrow, hope to get it painted a lot sooner than the statue and outhouse.
