Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Where Did It Go Again?

Well we fast approach the end of 2015, have I been productive? Well I do not really know, I should really keep track of what I do complete, I could trawl back through the blog and check, but no I will list list here where I have got to
First Carlist War 
Six 20 figure infantry battalions a side plus a skirmish unit of 6 figures per side
One cavalry regiment of 8 figures per side
Three command figures for each side
The Carlists have a field gun whilst their Isabelino adversaries have a horse artillery gun and a rocket
Up next is another 8 figure cavalry unit for each side, target for completion by the end of February, this will leave two more Isabellino battalions and a cavalry unit to do plus one more Carlist battalion and a mountain gun for each side.
The Great War 
All the infantry are done, but I still have the odd officer and LMG team which may get done during the course of 2016.
Support weapon wise I have a field gun for the Germans and a 3" Stokes mortar for the British, I have just finished a Minenwerfer for the Germans and I have signallers for both sides in progress at the moment which I plan to complete by the end of January.
I also have half a dozen British cavalry to do at some point.
That covers the late war, for the early war project with Dave I am working on the battalion command to finish the third one, we decided to add another battalion so I also have that and another gun to do in the new year.

Arthurian ( for want of a better word ) 
Now you may recall I started these back in 2012 for use with Dux Britanniarum on the basis that as you only needed 40 - 50 figures a side I could get them done during the year, yes you guessed, still at it. Although I only need to paint another 18 figures now, so 2016 is a possible to complete. Although I did buy extra figures to double up the size of the units for Lion Rampant, we did in fact use what figures I had done to play a Lion Rampant game earlier in the year. I plan to keep plugging away at this.
Wars Of The Roses 
A bit of a saga this one, but I have decided to keep the figures and eventually paint enough for Lion Rampant games, this is still on the back burner at present though.
Third Century Rome
My retirement project which I have started on the basis that it is doubtful I will ever fully retire, again I will pop paint on these over the year. To date I have three Roman foot units and two cavalry units for the Goths I have two infantry units and I have started a cavalry unit.
Spanish Civil War 
Again a project on the back burner, although I have enough painted for the odd game. I have yet to find a set of rules to relight my enthusiasm, although Chain Of Command seems to be the set that may do it, for this though I need to paint more figures to make my different "factions" up to strength. Perhaps the threat by Empress Miniatures to release new figures may also do the trick.
World War Two
Probably my first love and a period that can never be really completed the odd one or two vehicles can change a game. I have bought several more vehicles, aircraft  and figures since the purchase of the excellent Battlegroup rules. I always have something for this period on the stocks and 2016 will be no exception.

So I could actually complete a project next year, but wait what's that fluttering I hear?

All being well back to gaming  next week, a further foray into Rhanzlistan I believe.


Forgot to mention all the terrain bits I have to do also, can I have 2015 back please.


  1. Certainly seems like you've been busy to me!

    1. Certainly busy, more commission stuff done than my own of course, added it all and quite a bit, that's not taking in to account the terrain pieces I have done.

  2. love the vignette.

    I prefer not to write up personal painting lists as I find them too depressing and it piles on the pressure! It can get scary too! LOL :>)


    1. Thanks Darrell. I think it has had the opposite effect on me, I feel quite cheered on reflection by what I have done. I was thinking my hobby had become the job.

  3. You see, far more completed than you thought! I find keeping a record of my painting spurs me on,but others may differ of course. One of the best blog entries I've read anywhere of late by the way, quietly encouraging in an understated way.

  4. Thank you for the comments and encouragement. See you in Rhanzlistan next week.

  5. Hello! I just found your blog and have been devouring it - you do awesome work!!

    I don't suppose you would be willing to share what color you use to paint the WWI German tunics would you? Like those pictured above as well as in your other posts such as "Early Great War Stuff" and "Rawnsville Bridge". I've been trying to find the right color for a while now and yours looks to fit the bill.

  6. Hi Larry, welcome to the blog. I have used various colour combinations over the last few years, the main one is a base coat of Vallejo Model Colour 888 olive grey, followed by Vallejo Panzer Aces 335 I then add a highlight by adding VPA 338 or VMC silver grey. I have also used GW charadon granite as a base colour and VMC 830 field grey. These days I tend to use a white undercoated, and paint VPA 888 then wash with GW Agrax Earthshade, then highlight up with 888 and a final highlight of 888 lightened with 838. Hope this helps.

    1. Thanks Phil - much appreciated!!!

    2. Your most welcome, noticed that I have got my numbers a bit jumbled with regard to the highlights, if you need clarification let me know.

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