Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 11 May 2015

Carronade 2015

Last Thursday morning, Dave, Sue, Di and myself set off for South Queensferry. We duly arrived at the Hawes Inn late afternoon. Friday morning after a hearty breakfast we set off to visit Stirling Castle and the site of the  Battle of Bannockburn.
The visitor centre at the site is a rather splendid affair with a rather good 3D presentation together with a description of the battle with a visual map presentation, you can even book to refight the battle.

Robert The Bruce

Saturday we left the girls to their own devices and made an early start for Carronade.
This was my first visit and I was not to be disappointed, light, fairly spacious, great games and a rather good trade presence. Here is a selection of some of the games, which were to numerous to take photo's of all of them, just some that caught my eye or are periods that interest me.

The Iron Brigade - Sudan Game

South East Scotland Wargames Club - WWI East Africa

Hydaspes On A Sand Table

Durham Wargames Group - 54mm Plancenoit 18/06/1815

Border Reivers - Vietnam

Kirremuir Wargames Club - 1st St. Albans
Superb Handouts And Info Board Too

Glasgow & District Wargaming Society - Spanish Civil War

Towton - On A Cigar Box Battlemat And Using Lion Rampant Rules

There you go just a few of the forty plus games, there are more pics and different games over on Dave's Blog.  A grand show that I would highly recommend if you have the chance to go.
Must not forget The Swag

Various bases and some rats from Warbases
A pond from The Last Valley
Dice frames from Minibits
Grass tufts from Mutineer
Romano-Brits and Saxons from Footsore/Musketeer via Warlord Games and Westwind via Figures In Comfort

No game this week due to family and domestic happenings.



  1. Some great pictures there Phil! A great weekend away I thought!

  2. Fair to middling I would say, but have to concur on the weekend, a most excellent foray to the north.

  3. Great pictures, thanks for sharing!

    1. You are most welcome, the games and the folk running them were fantastic and the pics deserve to be shared.
