Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Bolt Actioning The Spanish Civil War, Now With The Pictures

The Battlefield
View From The Republican Left Flank
Typical Of The Republican Bias Of The Cards Drawn
Anarchist Militia Arrive On The Right Flank
Another Unlucky Card Draw For The Nationalists
Anarchist Militia Work Around The Nationalist Flank
The Remaining Legion Quit The Field Leaving The Pz1 With No Support
The Republican Flag Is Raised At The Crossroads

The figures and vehicles are from Empress Miniatures, the I-16 "Rata" is an old 1/72nd Revell kit, the walls, trees and fields from The Last Valley, the farm, shrine and olive grove are from Grand Manner,

Thursday is a gathering over at GHQ and here at OHQ next week a Great War game using Chain of Command is planned



  1. Really great looking figures and terrain.

  2. A great looking game, with some stunning kit on the table.

    All the best


    1. Thank you for the kind comments, I think the SCW brings out the Latin passion and encourages the muse to come out. There was a great series on TV in the 80's, I think it was called Spain From Above or something like that, it has really stuck with me when laying out tables.

  3. Great looking game and pics as always! I am quite jealous. :-)

    1. Thanks Jim, high praise indeed. Thanks also to you and Rolf for re-igniting the SCW flame here at OHQ.

  4. Fine pictures of the table and game Phil! See you at the crack of dawn tomorrow!

  5. Very cool. Reminds me, I have a few militia to paint myself.

  6. Looks awesome. We have a few games planned soon for BA for SCW. Doing a big one at Carronade as well.

    Whats the idea behind the event cards? When do they get played and how many did you come up with? It's something that i think would be great for BA.

    1. Thank you, hoping to get up to Carronade this year.
      The cards are drawn when a red dice is drawn that is put in with the order dice. Some cards can be kept to play later but most are used straight away, these were inspired by the cards used in Through the Mud and the Blood rules. When I get chance I will PM you through LAF with the detail.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment, glad you like it.

  8. Just came across this while aimlessly Googling - fantastic work. Your terrain and figures are spectacular.
