Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

A Spanish Civil War Affair Using Bolt Action

Last week here at OHQ we played a Spanish Civil War game using Bolt Action rules with modifications suggested by Jim Hale, I don' t think these appear on his new blog though. I also made some chance/random event cards with things to add a SCW twist when a red die is drawn, these are based on ones from Through the Blood and the Mud and the SCW variant for Chain of Command by Jim and Rolf Grien.

Now Blogger has decided to put a spanner in the works again by not letting me post pics, I can' t really see the point of a post without pretty pics so this will be my last post for a while, in the meantime Dave has kindly posted pics here here and on his blog

Using the random card draw worked really well, although all the cards bar one favoured the Republican cause, so did my now legendary dice throwing. Having said that the game did get to turn ten of a twelve turn scenario before any hope of Nationalist victory was possible, my one tactical mistake and the arrival of a Republican plane, a random card draw, were the real game changers though.

I'll be back, perhaps.


  1. Shame about no pics but those on LAF look great.
    Have you tried Chain of Command? James and I are really enjoying those for our Spanish Civil War games.

    1. It is Paul, I think it may be down to my dinosaur PC, plan to get a laptop shortly, so I am hopeful that will help. I have CoC but need to paint up more figures to make up full platoons, I will certainly give them a run out when I do. I plan to play a WWI game next week using CoC.

    2. I am currently painting WWI for CoC and have 32 Germans finished so far. But, I doubt my opponents will have forces ready for a couple of months. Once the German 'Zug' is complete I may do a platoon of French or British for myself.

    3. I have seen your progress on your blog & LAF, very nice they are too.
      Do you have the TFL XMas Special with the CoC WWI article?

  2. Oops... I didn't know anyone was interested in the Bolt Action mods... They may have got lost in the transfer of posts. I'll put it on my lengthy to do list!

    Glad you seem to have got the pic problem sorted btw!

  3. Thanks Jim, you may be right on BA, CoC seems to have taken over. But worth putting back on if you can I think.
