Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Slacking Again?

Well not really, just very busy and have just not got around to posting anything, I have played several games both here and at GHQ, the games here have been similar to the previous games posted so it seemed silly to post a variation of the same, whilst the games at GHQ are adequately covered on Dave's blog.

Anyway here is the latest stuff I have painted for myself, a Russian church for my Eastern Front 20mm games, this is an old Ian Weekly piece that Dave acquired for me a while ago, inspired by a recent game of Battle Group Kursk and wanting a change from painting figures I finally got around to finishing off. The fencing is from Hovels.

 I have also finished a group of Numeri for Dux Brittanniarvm and a casualty for denoting shock, I have another group of Saxons just awaiting shield transfers.

There will be a slight lull on the gaming front whilst Dave hosts a visit from his friends from Oz, but I do hope to get another game of BGK arranged in the meantime.



  1. Those numeri are just awesome! I realy like your shock marker.

    1. Glad you like them, helps vindicate my new painting approach to get things painted and on the table.

  2. Excellent work on St Ivan's, Phil! DB figures coming along nicely too.

    1. Glad you like it, sorry it took so long to get done :-)

  3. Wow....I've seen some fine Russian Churches in miniature, but that really stands out Phil. Lovely work on the figures as well!

  4. Yes its a great piece and really easy to paint, hope I've done it justice. Thanks for the shock marker idea, it looks a treat.

  5. Great looking job on the church Phil and the figures are lovely as always from a man of your talent.

  6. Thanks Dave, I must pop over to your blog and check up on what you have up to.

  7. One of the best churches I have seen been built for the gaming-table.
