Copyright © 2024, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Thursday 26 September 2024

Baldinus Victore

After the early engagement with the Goth horde of King Bicca, Baldinus retired his force under cover of darkness and took up a position nearer to where the Roman reinforcements (newly painted figures) would arrive.
Bicca would have liked to follow up upon discovery but a messenger arrived to say that a fresh warband and cavalry (newly painted units) would arrive so soon so he gave his troops more time to rest and await them before pressing on.
The Goths move out and soon find the Romans deployed and ready for battle, Bicca divided his force into three divisions and orders a general advance. His warbands in his centre are less keen to re-engage (failed command roll)
Roman light cavalry move forward to engage their Goth counterparts.
Meanwhile over on the other flank the Goth light cavalry advance boldly to skirmish with the Roman legionaries and auxillia.
The Romans stand steady and defiant.
The Goth cavalry charged the Roman lanciarii and they are pushed back disordered.
Over on the other flank the Roman heavy cavalry fail to come up to support the cavalry who are then broken by the overwhelming numbers of enemy.
The tardy advance of the Romans encourages the Goths to charge the Roman cavalry.
On their right the Goth cavalry charge the Roman auxiliaries.
After putting up a strong resistance the lanciarii are routed.
To balance things up the auxillaries break the Goth cavalry.
Back to the Roman left and another Goth cavalry unit is broken but one of the ala is now shaken and Bicca leads his bodyguard in a daring charge into the Roman infantry.
Over on the Roman left flank another Goth cavalry unit is routed.
In the centre the Romans are getting the better of the Goth warbands though both sides are becoming fatigued by the intense combat.
But wait! The auxillaries have been routed could this spell victory for the Gothic hordes? Alas no after one and half hours (6 turns) elsewhere on the field of Mars two of Bicca's divisions are broken and leave the field, Bicca has 
no choice but to break off the engagement and salvage what he can for a future attempt.
A great game of intense action and narrative delivered using Hail Caesar rules.
Until next time................
Toodle pip and KBO


  1. A grand narrative and pictures carrying the reader to the heart of the action. A plus for Hail Caesar too!

  2. From the painting desk straight into action. That’s the way to do it!
