Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Saturday, 12 August 2023

Germans II

The rifle team for the first German squad of the 1940 project has mustered out of the painting desk this week.
The ever lovely and naturally posed AB Figures on bases from Warbases with Gamers Grass light moss dry brushed with Vallejo yellow ochre.
I have just started work on the first of the British squads for the project.
All being well gaming will return to OHQ this Tuesday, more than likely it will be a World War II game. Until next time............ TTFN & KBO


  1. Splendid, why don’t my Germans look like that!🙂

    As an aside, I keep returning to your last post to lust. It has inspired me to make an effort on a nice piece of my own. My daughter bought me a 1066 command pack from Gripping Beast. It would be nice to do something special so that at some future point, she has a nice keepsake. So thanks for an inspiring post.

    1. I agree on your first point, Norm! Beautiful work.

    2. Thank you chaps. Glad to inspire.

  2. Very nice Phil, reminds me I want another platoon for my early Germans, something else to add to the list.

  3. Those are very nicely done, as I'd expect of course from your brush and on WWII AB figures. Mind, I'd half hoped to see a couple of Peninsular War battalions finished while I was 'Oop North.

    1. Thank you old bean. Two battalions🤣 , you are a wag.

  4. Those sausage eaters certainly cut the mustard! Good work

  5. Beautiful work as always Phil:)!

  6. Lovely toys beautifully painted old chap…

    All the best. Aly
