Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 3 July 2023


While I was going through the First Carlist War "extras" box I unearthed a Carlist command group, part of a Christmas gift from Dave. A tad rude of me not to have painted them yet I thought, so after completing the two skirmish units featured in the last post I set to.
I don't think we ever found out the manufacturer or if we did I have certainly forgotten, any ideas Dave?
En Avant!
General de Brigade, Pierre Bauduin, killed leading an attack on Hougoumont at Waterloo.
A freebie figure from the 2015 Partizan show I painted a while ago.
He will be leading a brigade on foot (unlike the real life Bauduin who lead the attack on horseback)in my new project, though somewhat earlier and more southerly.
My new project was inspired by Dave's new endeavour and reading Warwick's campaign reports using his Soldiers of Napoleon rules on his Move to Contact blog. I am revisiting the Napoleonic period having previously had a French army in 15mm many years ago and a half hearted attempt at a Russian army in 25mm just before that.
It begins
I have also, much to dismay of the war purse, stocked up on some GW contrast paints to help speed up the process, encouraged and given some handy tips from Dave's son Matt who gets stunning results on his Napoleonic armies.
Also on order is a copy of Soldiers of Napoleon together with the new Peninsular supplement.
Wish me luck.


  1. Always good form to push gift figures into the painting queue. These look terrific if only a bit tardy. New project? Excellent!

    1. Thank you Jonathan. It was something new or adding to existing projects which wouldn't see the table very often.

  2. I have absolutely no idea who they are by, but you've made a wonderful job of them. Happy new plaaastic, sorry project. I have more for you today from Matt.

    1. Glad you approve of my efforts to colour them in. Sorry about the plastic I am assured its not catching.

  3. Lovely work on those figures and nice to see a new project start:).

    1. Thank you Steve. there is always something new though at my age I do wonder if I should be winding down rather than up?

  4. Nice job, really like the free 2015 figure and very interested to see your SoN project develop and your use of contrast paint. I have started to contrast paint cavalry as a base coat as it gets everywhere quickly and then build up the layer with ‘proper’ paint.

    I have also done a French inf figure all in contrast and another in standard paint and the results were very close, but with the contrast, I went to standard paint for some highlight. Look forward to your observations.

    1. Thank you Norm. I have been trying the Contrast paints out over the weekend and it has undoubtedly increased my output.

  5. Sounds like no rest for you Phil. I am now completely sold on Contrast paints, they really suit the Italian Wars.

    1. One has to keep keeping on. I too am now a Contrast acolyte.

  6. Wonderful command base there Phil... beautifully presented.
    Delighted to see the subject of your new project Phil... my personal favorite period of all! I have a small collection of French 28mm coming along nicely, utilising figures from Front Rank, Victrix and Warlord to date, and have been getting some very satisfying results using Citadel contrasts... Good luck!

    1. Thank you Paul. The red and the blue on the Carlist commanders have been done with Contrasts.

  7. Lovely looking command figures Phil…….Back to Napoleonics that is a surprise, and the Peninsular too ! I am looking forward to see what you get upto. Interested to see how you get on with the contrasts I am just too lazy to change my painting style 🤔

    1. Thank you Matt. I forgot to add you into the blame list for this mad foray. I was somewhat dubious about using the old Contrast stuff but I am a convert already.

    2. Sorry about that 🙂 I know George likes the contrast paints

  8. Lovely command troops Phil, well done!

  9. Lovely looking figures but I am most interested on how you get on with the contrast paints. I would like to take the plunge as some of the results I have seen are amazing but they appear to be the total opposite of my black undercoat technique.

    1. Thank you Matt. Yep certainly won't work on black I have been using them on figures lnhad already primed in Halfords grey primer with satisfying results.
