Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

The Road to Rawnsla

After the Isabelino forces cleared the pass in the previous game the advance on Rawnsla can commence once more. The Carlist forces, to buy more time for the defences of Rawnsla to be strengthened have blocked the road on the main approach, taking advantage of the difficult terrain.
The game will last for eight turns, if the Carlists remain undefeated they will retire under darkness having bought valuable time for the defence of Rawnsla.
The Isabelino assault got off to a slow start with orders just not getting through or slowly acted upon, not good when time is of the essence.
It was turn four before the Isabelino forces got into position, time was running out.
Despite it's success in the earlier encounter the rocket battery did not do well missing it's target every time and only hitting another unit by chance.
The British Auxillary Legion was tasked with pinning the Carlist left while the Isabelino regulars turned the weaker right flank.
Their slow approach put great pressure on the BAL, luckily the early Carlist fire was found wanting.
Although the BAL routed a Carlist battalion increased Carlist fire broke the brigade forcing them to retire in turn seven. The Isabelino forces were still entangled on their left, leaving the Carlists to retire as night fell after turn eight their job done.
This game was also a test for future War of the Triple Alliance games, all the table apart from the road was deemed difficult terrain and the movement halved. Movement in the swamp area would be diced for, one D6 giving the distance and a score of one meaning the unit would have to turn back, the way ahead impassable. The Carlists were given a stamina of four to reflect their do or die stance, I will apply this to Paraguayan units to reflect the fact they rarely ran away.
We are already debating terrain effects to make them a bit more random and it's effect on cavalry movement. Onward!



  1. Orders? No Senor, we did not get any of those. Honest! Interesting game, especially for the rocket battery - ace picture by the by.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. Rockets are fun aren't they? The Paraguayans had rockets so you may be on the receiving end if Alan gets his finger out and adds to the range that is.

  2. Super wargaming display, Phil! The Carlists conducted a textbook delaying action based upon your battle report.

    1. Thank you Jonathan my plan worked, had the Isabelino brigade been a tad quicker if the mark it may all have been different. But warfare has always had a lot of "what ifs" down the ages

  3. Good to see this period in action again. What's the source of your limber for the Carlists and Rocket carrier for the BAL? Thanks

    1. They provide a very picturesque table indeed. The limber and caisson are old Hinchliffe pieces available from Hinds Figures, the mules are from Tiger Miniatures.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank Steve, your continued appreciation is gratefully received.

  5. Great looking game and wonderful figures. Thanks for sharing. I must finish the units in my collection.

  6. Thank you kindly Joe. I still have figures for this collection waiting in the wings, I will no doubt get back to them at some point.

  7. Great looking game, very inspiring.
    May I ask,where you got the rocket battery cart from?

    1. Thank you Andy. The cart is an old Hinchliffe one, I believe it is still available from Hinds Figures.

    2. Thanks,Phil.
      I'll have a look for one

  8. Thanks for the info. re Hinds/Hinchcliffe,

  9. Lovely, your figures make the photo’s a joy to scroll through and as always, the photography is lovely, beautifully lit ….. if this was photographed on a phone without any special lighting …. Please don’t tell me🙂

    1. By the way, I am trying to comment on David’s page re his grenadiers and Google won’t let me, even my usual attempt at 4 retries fails!

    2. Yup had the same problem trying to comment on Jonathan 's blog.

    3. Thank you Norm, yup phone camera only adjustment necessary was a couple of shots I had into the window so I had to brighten that up so you could see the figures.

    4. Just commented on Jonathan's OK, just a Blogger glitch it seems. When it failed earlier the message from Google said "we don't know what happened"😂

  10. Very nice looking table there Phil, and as always....stunning figures! Well done indeed on putting up a great display. Interesting to see the terrain restriction ideas being tried out. inspiring ideas for future games....

  11. Thank you Paul most kind. The terrain will be a challenge with the Triple Alliance games a case of getting the balance right in a 6x4.

  12. Beautiful to see the collection out on the table Phil 👍

  13. Cracking stuff Phil… as always.
    A nice teaser for future Triple Alliance games to come.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly. Just finished the fifth Paraguayan battalion once I have the sixth one done we will have a little game.

  14. What lovely looking collection 😎
