Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

Into The Reich.

Today's game, 1945 the US forces have entered the Reich, resistance in the local area has all but collapsed, the Rat Race or swanning to the British is on. However the Germans in this area intend to fight. The lead reconnaissance M8 has been ambushed hit and destroyed, the war was back on!
Surprised by the sudden resistance US coordination is found wanting, luckily the German reinforcements are tardy in their approach. This gives time for the US force to spread out and attack on a wide front.
Awaiting them are the local Volksturm who knock out the lead M3.
The US reply with HE and MG fire wiping out the Volksturm and their antiquated Russian field gun and pinning the troops in the trench 
 Just as the trench is cleared German reinforcements finally start to arrive.
The Jagdpanzer IV is heavily outnumbered but makes it's mark pinning the Pershing only to be taken out by one of the Sherman's.
The other Volksturm squad in their foxholes give a good account of themselves throughout the action passing three beyond the call of duty tests and still manning their position when the defence finally crumbled.
Support is in hand with the arrival of Volksgrenadiers and their PAK40 pinning and then destroying the advancing Sherman.
In the centre a plucky Volksturm panzerschrek team takes down another Sherman.
A surprising turn up by one of Herman's boys may yet turn the tide.
This did not help the arriving Panzer IV which was swiftly taken out.
DPs file passed a burning M3
The arriving Volksgrenadiers are met with concentrated fire as they advance and as casualties mount they are forced to withdraw.
A cracking game lasting eight turns with ups and downs for both sides along the way.

We are off to sunny Espana 1937 for next week's game, until then......


  1. A first rate game, tense and unpredictable all through. A visual spectacle too with exquisitely painted vehicles, figures and terrain pieces. I was very pleased to win right at the death so as to speak.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the game, one of the best things with the Battle Rating system one just never knows how well one is doing, it keeps one on the edge.

  2. Beautiful table and kit, Phil. Super photography and you allowed David a win. You are a model host.

    1. Thank you Jonathan especially good to hear your view on the photos I am rarely happy with the results myself. I did try very hard not to lose though🙂

  3. Replies
    1. It certainly was George, had I been able to get my reinforcements on earlier I would have given the Amis more of a run for their dollars.

  4. A fine looking and most entertaining game Phil.

  5. Cracking good looking game there Phil!


    1. Thank you Christopher, rarely does Battlegroup fail to deliver a fine gaming experience.

  6. Splendid looking battle Phil 👍

    1. Thank you Matt, it was all go from start to finish.

  7. Cracking stuff Phil…
    No Tigers , No Panthers and a Stuka in the air… probably a lot closer to the ‘real thing’…
    And the good guys won.

    All the best. Aly
