Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Wednesday, 1 February 2023

Pig Farm 451, Soviet Russia 1943

 Another cracking game yesterday here in OHQ. It is summer in Russia 1943 the Soviets are holding the high ground near Pig Collective Farm 451 things are about to get hot.

The Germans must clear and capture this position along the route of advance, it will be well defended with dug in positions and minefields and aerial reconnaissance indicates the Bolsheviks have reserves ready to counter attack.

After unsuccessfully calling down artillery fire on the Soviet positions the reserves are bought up to begin the assault hopefully communications will be restored and the Soviet bought under fire before it goes in.

Anti- aircraft support is deployed in the event that the VVS make an appearance.

Soviet infantry dug in await the German onslaught.

A Soviet foot patrol occupies the pig farm.

The German reconnaissance Sdkfz233 probes the village infantry follow up behind in support 

Soviet reinforcements start to arrive and send a T70 to support the foot patrol at the farm

A short dual with the 233 ends with its demise

The FHQ unit moves up in an effort to get the tardy assault going.

An aircraft attack chit is drawn and surprisingly Herman's boys arrive, a Stuka! Now the Bolsheviks can look out 

Hey the green ones are the enemy! A wild miss sees the bombs fall in amongst the German Panzer IIIs!

Oh Noooo! A direct hit sees a Panzer III destroyed.

Turn ten and despite heavy losses the German morale was still holding, 6 Battle Rating points remaining from the 26 total (some low value and special effect chit draws) with only one remaining Panzer III and an infantry squad remaining and the Soviets being 7 BR from being broken the German battlegroup leader had no choice but to call off the attack.

The rules once again delivered a fine game with a result akin to the Germans attacking similar Soviet positions in the Kursk salient during Citadel.

Until next time..........



  1. As you say, a cracking game and so very close at the end too. Nice photos too, unsurprisingly my favourite is the Stuka bombing the Panzer III!

    1. It was indeed, bit of a bummer that and just to rub salt in the wound I am listening to a German memoir while painting and guess what

  2. Another nice looking game Phil. I'm almost inspired to resume gaming ;-)

    1. Thank you Jon. Resume gaming? You know you want to, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on..........

  3. What a superb looking game Phil! Obviously not a good day for the Germans and that Stuka pilot will be in for a ticking off at the very least...

    1. Thank you Steve, it was a fine set to and no mistake. The Germans just could not get the orders through early on and trying to contact the off table guns was poor and when they did get through targeting or the effects of the stonks was ineffective 🙄

  4. Great AAR, minis and photos.. I aheva question: did the pigs survived?

    1. Thank you kindly. I imagine not all would have ended up being roasted after the attack but then if the Soviets were hungry 🤔

  5. You set a fine looking gaming table, Phil. Enjoyable BatRep but damn Stuka pilot.

  6. Thank you Jonathan most kind. Yes it was a bit unfortunate it would have been so bad had his large bomb did anything useful.

  7. Lovely game Phil, and I now feel the pain after my own debacle.

    1. Thank you George. We Germans are not doing well at the moment.

  8. Very attractively photographed. I have wondered whether the propensity for aircraft to show up in this system, unhinges things a bit?

    1. Thank you Norm. Aircraft rarely appear, in my experience anyway, this is only the second time I have got one to appear in over ten years of play.

  9. Lovely lovely stuff Phil…..just can’t get enough WW2 at the moment 😀😀😀

    1. Thank you Matt, I am in full WW2 mode at the moment though I am still adding to the Triple Alliance armies too.

  10. Was that Stuka pilot American by any chance? Wonderful looking game, with models and figures that must rank amongst the best out there! Just a little more work needed on the com's rolls 😉 Great pictures, great narrative...well done indeed that man!


    1. Thank you for the glowing endorsement Paul. Yes it appears they did not have the monopoly on friendly fire.

  11. A splendid looking game Phil…
    Excellent work by the Stuka pilot 😂

    All the best. Aly

  12. Thank you Aly. With a friend like Anselm in the Luftwaffe who needs enemies?
