Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 17 January 2023

A Brief Encounter

The first First Carlist War game since last May took place earlier today, would the Carlist forces repeat their success at San Hernandez?
The Carlist are holding the pass to Rawnsla in an effort to halt the latest Isabelino incursion. The Isabelinos are attacking with three battalions while awaiting support from a brigade of the British Auxillary Legion. They will start to dice to arrive on turn two or when all the Isabelinos have all entered the table which ever comes first.
Facing them are a brigade of four Carlist battalions who will be reinforced by a brigade of two newly raised recruits dicing to arrive from turn four onwards.
The Isabelinos all entered the table on turn one and wasted no time in assaulting the Carlists, routing the central Carlist battalion in short order.
The BAL promptly arrive and deploy the attached Royal Marine rocket battery in support.
The Carlist skirmishers hold their counterparts at bay despite taking heavy casualties throughout the battle.
The rocket battery fires!
It hits the Carlist artillery battery the first of three direct hits of four shots.
Back in the centre another Carlist battalion under heavy fire routs!
Things are looking bad for the Carlists but help is enroute the reinforcements are coming.
It may all be for nought as yet another battalion breaks on the left flank hopefully the reinforcements will enter the table there to shore it up.
But no they turn up on the opposite flank with nowhere to deploy fully.
Turn five and one of the Carlist brigades is broken retiring from the field compelling the newly arrived recruits to do like wise.
The pass is open!
A short but engaging game, the dice gods did not favour the Carlists this day, very poor shooting dice and with the exception of the skirmishers morale dice too.
Dave is on a roll at the start of the year with three wins under his belt.
Until next time may the dice gods be with you and if not KBO.


  1. The dice gods were not on your side and no mistake. A beautifully painted collection and a lovely tabletop battlefield make each game a joy, pure and simple. Nice to see my tactics rewarded and my rocket in good form too!

    1. A good day for you and the Isabelinos indeed.

  2. Phil, seeing this colorful collection out for a game is a treat. Sorry about the result, though. Maybe next time?

    1. Thank you Jonathan I had not realized it had been so long that they had seen the table.

  3. Too bad for the Carlist force, but somebody has to lose. Beautiful figures for both sides.

    1. Thank you Joe. Unfortunately it's usually me😂

  4. A lovely looking game Phil…
    I am sure you must have gotten your dice at the same place as me… I don’t think I will go back to Lucky Jim’s Second Hand Dice Emporium.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly, as to the dice I believe you may be correct in your assumptions.

  5. Thanks for sharing this. An amazing performance by the rocket troop. What rules were you using? I use Sharp Practice 2. Your post has reminded me that I have some Royal Marines and BAL Lancers to paint. The Marines are started but languishing near the back of the painting queue. I enjoyed seeing the figures but I also enjoyed the scenery. I was particularly intrigued by the two separate bridge pieces for the stream and the limber etc. for the Rocket.
    Better dice next time

    1. Thank you Stephen, we use Black Powder for all our horse and musket games these days. The bridge pieces are for culverts available in different scales 3d prints from Sabotag3d and limbers etc are old Hinchliffe pieces available from Hinds Figures.

    2. Thanks, Phil, for your response.

  6. Nice action Phil. Rockets hitting! Whatever next :-) love the marsh piece. Did you do all the texturing on that?

    1. Thank you Norm, the marsh pieces were made from hanging basket liner kindly donated to us by Matt Bickley.

  7. That really is a fine looking game there and now I want some 'beret' wearing troops for my Imagi-Nations forces!

    1. Thank you Steve. Those berets are rather natty aren't they.

  8. Beautiful looking battle Phil such a lovely collection 👍

  9. A rather splendid display of your fine figure painting and scenic skills Phil.

  10. That’s a very lovely looking game 😎

  11. Stunning looking collection of figures there Phil, on a spectacular table! Great to see the British rockets striking home, even though you were at the sharp end... Again! It's the kind of excitement that black powder provides. Maybe next time some kind of pre-game ritual to the dice gods may yield a more favourable outcome?

  12. Thank you Paul. I feel the dice gods have forsaken me, they even rub it in🙂

  13. Rockets getting 3 out of 4 hits? That is Devilry in action there!

    1. Indeed, two directs and even the mishap hit the target👿
