Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 8 November 2022

The Fall of Seelow

 For this week's game I chose a scenario from the Battlegroup "Fall of the Reich" supplement, a platoon level action with a ragtag formation of German Volksgrenadiers, Kriegsmarine and Volksturm attempting to stem the Soviet advance.

Seelow awaits.

Second Lieutenant Tams has constructed an anti-tank barricade across the road and covered it with two dug in Pak40s.

Dug in Volksturm protect the northern outskirts.

Meanwhile Kriegsmarine troops dug in on the eastern approaches.

Jabos! A timed Soviet airstrike.

One of the Pak40s is pinned down.

Soviet forces converge on Seelow.

Panzerfaust fire causes the T34 crew to abandon the tank, accompanying tank riders dismount pinned.

A supporting T34 is also hit and brews up.

Meanwhile in Seelow the Soviets clear out the PAK40s.

The Soviets bring up an ISU152 and clear the Volksturm defend the northern approaches.

Despite a spirited defence, in turn eleven the battered German survivors withdrew ( one above their battle rating of 30). However they certainly had put up a fight with the Soviets only being five away from exceeding theirs.

Until next time.......



  1. those are lovely buildings gracing the table and the SU 152 makes for a most splendid photo.

  2. A super game played in the best of spirits on a magnificent table with outstanding figures, vehicles and aircraft! It would have passed for Wargamers' Valhalla except for my dice🎲🎲🎲Not to mention your Saving Throws!☹️

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, those Germans did just not want to budge, they bought a lot of time to prolong the inevitable.

  3. That's a stunning looking table Phil!


  4. What a wonderful looking game Phil, both terrain and figures. The Germans certainly put up a tough old fight, as I thought they would be steam rollered out of the way by the Soviet juggernaut.

    1. Thank you for the continued support Steve. Me too, strangely Dave thought at the beginning he could not win it.

  5. Magnificent game Phil, just a matter of how long the Jerries can hold out.

    1. Thank you George, yep being the German in 45 is all about weathering the storm.

  6. Splendid contest Phil, Russian armour in this period is so iconic 👍 I love it

  7. Thank you Matt, it was a grand old tussle from start to finish.

  8. Very nice indeed! Those tanks especially looked good.

    1. Thank you Matt, most if the T34s were painted back in the mid 90s, how time flies.

  9. Stunning looking game there Phil, the new barrage markers look the part, magnificent buildings and terrain. Well done!

  10. A grand looking game Phil…
    With an appropriately accurate ending… hurrah?

    All the best. Aly

  11. I am searching for an adjective that has not yet been used to describe this sensational looking game. It captures a sense of bitter town fighting—without the nasty bits of blood and destroyed buildings—in the best manner of wargaming. Your wonderful photography captured it so well.
    Regards, James
