Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Assault On Rawnstadt

 For this week's game I decided that my 20mm WWII American platoon would get their baptism of fire, they would be given the task of clearing the industrial area of the city.

They would have in support a medium tank platoon of three M4 Shermans with 76mm guns, reconnaissance would be provided by a M8 armoured car. Anti-tank capability would be provided by its own bazooka, a towed 57mm A/T gun and a M36 tank destroyer, they could also count on off table fire from a battery of 105mm howitzers and a M16 for anti-aircraft support.

Facing the onslaught would be a Volksgrenadier platoon, although low on panzerfausts they would have the anti-tank support of a panzerschrek and a PAK40 together with a MG42 in the heavy machine gun role and have off table support from a battery of 120mm mortars. Reinforcements have been promised consisting of a Panzer IV platoon and a Jagdpanzer IV armed with the L70 gun.

Rawnstadt industrial area.

Volksgrenadiers take up positions.

Several of the Germans units were pinned down by the furious preliminary bombardment however due to the initial slow advance by the Americans, orders were just not getting through, they were able to be rallied by their NCOs ready to receive the attack.

The American advance gets underway.

Further communication problems delayed any off table fire from both sides initially, after the lunch break things began to hot up.

There it was gone.

Despite this and the loss of the Pak40 German resolved stiffened, a battle counter draw gave the Germans an extra four Battle Rating this put them on a par with the Americans, game on.

A Sherman takes advantage of the German barricade as cover from where it took out the Pak40. Drat!

Retribution is however not long coming, German reinforcement arrives the Jagdpanzer IV takes revenge.

The Americans step up their attack on the German right, the Germans are cleared from their foxholes.

The Germans in the factory prepare to withdraw.

Panzer IVs move to shore up the right.

Only ending in the lead tank being taken out by a lucky long range shot from the M36.

Turn ten and it is all up for the Germans, fire from the M16 causes another Battle Counter to be drawn taking the Germans over their now 31 Battle Rating. It was however a close call the Americans were only five away from exceeding theirs.

Until next time......



  1. A thoroughly splendid game which was so close in the end. I really like your table layouts, they are almost an art form I think.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the game and thank you for the mist kind comment in my terrain layouts.

  2. I agree with David on your game presentation. Marvelous. Superb up close action photos too!

    1. Thank you for endorsing Dave's kind comment and my close up photos.

  3. very nice, always enjoy your ‘Hovel’ bases.

    1. Thank Norm, Hovels buildings are much overlooked their 20mm WWII ruins really look the part.

  4. I hope your Volksgrenadiers get paid well. Good looking game Phil.

    1. Thank you George, not sure if they get paid well but they certainly earned every deutschmark.

  5. Looked like a close-run thing which is all to the good for both sides - keeps things interesting! Lovely looking figures, vehicles and scenery too.

    1. If I could just have done enough to force a chit draw in turn nine things could have certainly been different.

  6. A nice and simple scenario, with a game full of lots of little interesting scenic details, which are a joy to behold.

  7. Lovely looking battle Phil 👍 are they Hovel buildings ?

    1. Thank you Matt, they are indeed Hovels a much overlooked range.

  8. The updated collection is coming along rather nicely Phil.

    1. Thank you Jon, five M3s and senior command now primed for painting.

  9. Lovely looking terrain and toys Phil.
    And a reasonably close game as well.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly. Indeed so close to giving the Soviets a bloody nose.

  10. The perfect combination - a close game on a lovely looking table. Great stuff.
