Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Friday, 9 September 2022

M36, Markers And A Massacre

First up the M36 for the late war US project, a UM Models kit not recommended unless you enjoy glueing on thirty plus individual bolts to the hull🙂
Next some casualty/morale markers for our ancients games, these were originally on 2mm pill bases which were a pain to pick up so I rarely used them during games. While I was digging out the next batch of Praetorian Guard to paint I spotted a bag with casualty figures which I thought was about time got painted. I had no pill bases in stock but did have some 40mm diameter , 3mm deep bases which fit and I found easier to pick up, so the joy of rebasing followed.
OUCH! those D6 come sharp.
Now on to the massacre, Dave came over for our weekly game earlier in the week. Real life matters meant a change of day and game so I threw down some terrain and figures for an early Saxon v Roman Britons game.
Now melee in Neil Thomas rules can drag on a bit despite our home rule adjustments, this day was an exception. The game was over by turn four! Bikka's Saxon horde ran rampant inflicting massive casualties which I was unable to save and reciprocate. I didn't even get chance to take photos, put it down to the shock and awe😮
This picture says it all really.

Until next time.....


  1. A veritable glut of ravens... or are they crows?
    Who makes those?

    1. Reaper Miniatures, I got mine from Spirit Games.

  2. Lovely work on the kit, though it must have been more fiddly even than that Harrier? The casualty markers are a fine addition, well done! Finally, very magnanimous of you to mention my narrow victory in a close game😁

  3. Thank you, I didn't even endeavour to apply the photo etched light protectors🙂 The markers would have worked overtime on Monday, magnanimous is my middle name.

  4. Nicely done Phil, don’t fancy sticking individual rivets ! Painting as always lovely to see 👍

    1. Thank you Matt. Luckily the next build will be a little more kind.

  5. Nice tank Phil. I wanted that flock for a WAC rally point but could never find one. Need to look again.

    1. Thank you George. Take a look on the Spirit Games website, if Phil doesn't have one in stock it might be worth a phone call to see if he can get one.

  6. Stone the crows Phil! They're rather nice ...

  7. Thank you Jon. I will get your hat and coat🙂

  8. I can empathise re the UMT kit...I bought two T26 for my SCW collection but gave up after spending an hour or more assembling one side worth of bogeys for the first kit! Luckily, I have a friend who is, first and foremost, a model let, and he offered to do them for me....but it did take him several weeks and his comment was, 95% of people would give up before completion. It also had photo etched brass parts that were left out. I don't know why anyone woukd make. 1/72 kit this complicated.....

  9. Have to agree Keith in this scale totally pointless, but then I have known scale modellers point out that a certain gun barrel was 1mm to long. The ex scale modeller in me makes me try and do what I can with a kit but I also try and remember it's to use as a wargaming piece.

  10. Thank you for the kind comments John.

  11. Nice work on the casualty markers Phil…
    Is a bolt counter one up from a rivet counter…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly. A bolt counter is one millimeter up from a rivet counter no doubt🙂
