Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Something Old Something New

Continuing to aim to paint something out of my 20mm WWII bits and bobs over the year I dug out three of the AB Figures Soviet tank riders I have had for a considerable time and got them painted. They are glued to clear plastic to add and remove from the tank as required.
Below in situ on a Fabri die-cast T34/85 I re-painted a while ago.
Now the new, additions to the late WWII US Battlegroup, a sniper team and a FO team both from Simons Soldiers available in the UK from Wargaming Miniatures.
In the background you can see the new back board I have painted, not as good as the one Matt painted for our display games back in the day, but being on foam board a lot lighter for older sky holders like us.
Now something old but new, a while a go Matt sent his surplus 20mm WWII figures for me to make use of. A German motorcycle and crew, I have painted this up in anticipation of my "nothing for me in 23"project 😂
Can you guess what the not new project will be.

Until next time, TTFN and KBO


  1. I like the motor cycle combo. I have Zvezda one, fiddly for my fingers, hence the second one is still in the box.

    Your next not new endeavour will be something …… Roman?

    1. I agree that the motorcycle with sidecar is a terrific piece. Like Norm, I have one in my "To do" pile.

      Nice backdrop too!

    2. I think this is a SHQ one, a double bonus Matt had already assembled it. Despite the fact one can never have too many Romans, no🙂

  2. Great work there Phil and some lovely sculpts too.

    1. Thank you Steve. You can't beat Tony and Andrew for characterful 1/72 - 20mm WWII figures.

  3. Fine additions to the WWII collections. I like the idea of a lighter sky, I'm no Atlas after all! I suppose I'm disqualified from the '23 project guessing?

    1. Thank you, and you are welcome young Skyholder. Disqualified indeed are you.

  4. Nice work Phil and keeping up some good progress on the WW2 stuff 👍

    1. Thank you Matt, the Triple Alliance project is bobbing along too.

  5. They look good Phil - I have those AB Russian tank riders too but attached them to one of my two Armourfast T34/85's, as I could not think of a good way to do what you have done!

    1. Thank you Keith. They would look better attached but it would bug me during a game, I wouldn't remember if they had dismounted or not🙂

    2. Some wonderful work there Phil...They all look superb! I'm currently working on 28mm WWII late German, and struggling to achieve that kind of detail! Great effort!

    3. BTW... I like your Bolt action house rules 👍

  6. Splendid looking toys Phil…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly, hope you will get back to doing some colouring in soon.
