Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Back To The Back Of Beyond

 During a game via Zoom kindly hosted by Matt (Wargames In The Dungeon) I realised that OHQ had not seen a game set in Central Asia for a while, on checking it was in February 2016! Although the S.P.I.F.F had been in action in Rhanzlistan, (Clicky)

Whilst Comrade Robinski had been having mixed success in Rhanzlistan the Soviet enclave of Sher Li had only had a token military presence. Local Warlord Bic Li decided he would take the opportunity to take back control of the town. 

Local communists had however reported the warlords plans to the towns commandant and word was quickly sent for reinforcements, it turned out that Comrade Robinski and a small force was already in transit after his recent success in Rhanzlistan.

The Folk Of Sher-Li Go About Their Business

Meanwhile The Town Garrison Makes Merry

Just Outside Town Professor "Putt" Robinson Conducts A Dig

Bic Li's Troops Are On The March

Siberian Marksmen Guard the Approaches, Which Are Also Covered By A Maxim Gun In Town And A Field Gun On The Adjacent Hill

The Chinese Troops Advance On A Broad Front

Meanwhile Robinski's Cavalry Arrive

The action swiftly developed, well I say swiftly, Robinski's infantry very very tardy in their arrival, the cavalry seemed reluctant to obey even the simplest orders. As for the town garrison, well it appears the Maxim had not been maintained well, jamming on its second shot and continued to be jammed until attacked and destroyed by Chinese troops. The field gun was little better only the Siberian troops offering any real resistance until they were overwhelmed by numbers. I wished I had noted how many ones I rolled, if I had I am sure it would have been a record.

Soviet Infantry Arrive At Last

They Are Soon Charged And Put To Flight By Chinese Dare To Die Troops

Things were no better elsewhere on the field and the S.P.I.F.F were compelled to withdraw.

The Victorious Bic Li Enters Sher Li With His Troops

We used Black Powder rules counting all infantry and dismounted cavalry as unclear targets, any unit with an LMG was given an extra dice when firing, the Dare To Die troops had no long range fire and where given a Stamina of four, the Determined Charge and Ferocious Charge rules. The cavalry were allowed to mount or dismounted within the move, the Siberian troops were given the Marauders and Sharp Shooters rules. Only one move was allowed when passing an order test.

A grand game and probably my worst dice rolling of all time.

Until next time TTFN and KBO


  1. A record number of 1's rolled by On Li Wan's brother Meni Wan! A splendid game only enhanced by the delight of your magnificent dice throes! Truly memorable, perhaps the most 1's in the history of wargaming, anywhere!

  2. A great tale and after tonight’s game I could give you a Ruben for rubbish dice.

    1. Thank you George, spoll checker is a winderous thung.

  3. Replies
    1. I figured “Ruben” was a gaming term I didn’t know. I think we all should start using “Ruben” to signify the person with the worst luck in a game.

    2. Does that make me an ‘Influencer’ lol.

  4. Looks like fun, Phil! Good to see you and Matt getting in a remote game.

  5. Splendid looking game Phil a fruitful period and genre to mine for inspiration. It does sound though like you had some challenging luck 🤔

  6. Thank you Matt, a dice rolling catalogue of disasters was the decree of the day from the dice gods.

  7. Troops and scenery look great...shame about the result!

    1. Thank you Keith. Well someone has to come second good times whatever the result though.

  8. Ah! The old infamous "You'll be fine, Just roll anything but a 1!" strikes again.

    1. Yup, shades of only a pin in that other game.

  9. A great looking game Phil…
    It always feels more like a curse when someone says “Anything but a one”
    Not that I need to be cursed 🙄.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly, it was a game of many ones and woes🙂

  10. A grand game indeed, but the Dice Gods were certainly not on your side in this game. Lovely scenery and figures as always.

    1. Thank you Steve, I seem to have angered the dice gods greatly this week, I shall have to get the hammer and sacrifice more dice I think 🤔
