Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 6 December 2021

Waiting For The Bus

 Readers may recall that I had purchased the Roden Models Vomag with 8.8cm flak gun mount, here it is together with a couple of other additions to the 20mm WWII collection.

The Vomag is painted to represent one of the two that were in Budapest in 1945, I have recently learned that they had been refitted with gun shields. Perhaps this suggests they were used in a ground role? Either way this will most likely be used as set dressing or an aide memoir I have an off table 88 shot.

My other additions are a graveyard for Bikkelheim and a platoon HQ in greatcoats to go with my platoon in winter gear. The figures and the Vomag crew are from ABFigures, the grave stones and walls are from Anyscale Models, they also do the walls in 1/56th.  



  1. Wonderful additions to the games!

    1. Thank you, we will have to get them on the table.

  2. Great work Phil and always good to have nice additional scenic items.

  3. Nice job and great pictures!

  4. That vehicle is fab, I spent a bit of time staring into it, even things like the dusty tyres just bring it to life.

    1. Thank you Norm, dust drybrushed on I don't get on with pigments way too messy or maybe I am too messy.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you George, a beast indeed. Someone had one printed in 1/56th scale😯

  6. That is a big old beast. Very nice indeed.

  7. Splendid stuff Phil…
    I’m not that sure a shield would help much anyway…
    What they really need is a hiding place… it’s got target written all over it…😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly, indeed best kept as an off table asset🙂

  8. Very nice work Phil! Incidentally I‘m still considering if I‘ll get myself the Roden kit or if I 3D print the Vomag. Any thoughts on the Roden kit?

    1. Thank you Nick. The Roden kit is really good and nice and straight forward to build I didn't encounter any problems.

    2. I can sell you one Nick ;) It's one of the kits in my 20mm stash, but now I'm doing 28mm...

  9. Lovely looking guntruck,terrain and troops!
    Best Iain
