Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

The Road To Bikkelheim

 Sunday I will be hosting a Bolt Action game via Zoom for George, it will be an Eastern front game 1945 using my 20mm collection played on a 4 x 4 table, a Volksgrenadier rear guard will seek to delay the Soviet advance on Berlin.

Scenario Details

The Germans are not expected to win this scenario, the level of Soviet success will be measured, after 6 (or 7 turns) or if the Germans are destroyed, by the remaining strength in points they have. They will start with 320 points and if they succeed in exiting an infantry squad and a tank off the German table edge they will add 50 points to that total.

They can also choose to dice for a preliminary bombardment but this will reduce their points total by 20 points.

The Soviets first wave will enter the table on turn one with at least half of their units and must be given either a run or advance order, any remaining units not entering on turn one will come in on turn two with an order test minus one.

Success Levels

50% or more points remaining is an overwhelming victory, you will be a hero of the Soviet Union.

25% to 49% a solid victory, the Boss will be pleased.

24% or less a narrow victory, better do better next time.

In the unlikely event that the Germans win, well……………………..

The Soviets Scouts Sketch Map

To be continued........................................................



  1. Looks like fun. I will be watching.

  2. Watching for a lot of fury here.

  3. look forward to the write up and will very much enjoy the combo of the visual 20mm on the 4*4. I am always fascinated by the clever crafting of a scenario and the formula arrived at for victory.

    1. I hope I have things worked out for a splendid set to.

  4. Interesting sounding scenario, I look forward to the AAR!
    Best Iain

  5. I shall be rooting for the Soviets, not that I'm biased of course...

  6. Nice I think I have found a flaw in the German plan in that they are starting with the idea losing will be a good result. They need a more positive attitude in my view 👍

  7. I feel a lot of pressure for this game Phil, I feel the shadow of the Man of Steel at my shoulder and perhaps the Gulag if I fail.

    1. I think you have more to fear from the Boss than the enemy🙂
