Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

All Quiet On News From The Front

 Well almost, we managed to get a game in a couple of weeks ago or so. We played a straight up Neil Thomas AMW game of eight units each, primarily to try out my new Deep warband addition. Did it help? well not really sure as Dave's dice throwing was shall we say well below average.

The game had the usual to and thro, with the advantage swinging to Romans and then back to the Goths and eventually back to the Romans securing Baldinus a victory over his arch nemesis Bikka.

I didn't take any photos as the next game scheduled here was another outing using To the Strongest, it seemed silly to have practically the same. That said should we be able to have a game next week, who knows these days when the powers that be appear to be winging it, we will instead, having took delivery of Rapid Fire Reloaded be giving them a try.

I have not painted much for myself being busy on commissions and going away for a couple of weeks, on my return I have managed to finish the two Pegasus Models Tiger II's I started.

 That's all for now folks, keep safe and all that jazz, TTFN


  1. Nice work on the TigerII’s Phil, I have the pair of models made up, but they have yet to be primed. It is a slightly strange model because the turret gets permanently connected during construction, so priming and painting looks a bit awkward.

    I am waiting for my Rapid Fire Reloaded, so being a newbie to RF, will be interested in your thoughts. I thought the online army lists were impressive.

    1. Thank you Norm, I painted the turret and hull seperately and trimmed the location lugs but it required a firm shove to twist it on.
      Looking forward to trying RFR too, from what I have gleaned from reading through them it will be a boost in the arm for an already solid rule set.

  2. Two Tiger II's? That's overegging it slightly don't you think? Nice job though, shame they'll die in the first game...๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Three actually, I already have a Ready To Roll one๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Very nice Phil ...but on this occasion I am with David three tigers ! Let’s hope the Reds have some KV1’s otherwise these boys will be running amuck !

    1. Thank you Matt, the Reds don't have KV1s. They do have ISIIs ( if I let them out of course๐Ÿ˜ˆ)

  4. Nice work Phil, I too have been fairly quiet for a week or so with visitors being here. 'Winging it' that is too kind.

  5. Thank you George. On reflection I was being a little generous with the inept and morally corrupt shower๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Impressive paint job on the Tigers Phil. Our little group is also looking forward to getting our hands on RFR as it is our go to rule set for WW2. cheers Greg

  7. Thank you Greg. I think you like RFR, I have drifted away from RF in recent years, these could well put me back on course. I think I will definitely use them in in future for our Spanish Civil War games.

  8. Nice looking pair of big cats!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank your Iain, not sure when they will see the table.

  9. Lovely looking Tigers Phil...
    Now you just need to add the broken down and on fire versions ๐Ÿ˜

    All the best. Aly
