Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 21 October 2019

Die Brücke

Rahnstadt Campaign, game five, rules, Battlegroup

Having already secured one bridge the Soviet forces are heading to the outskirts of Bikkelheim to secure a further one.
The bridge is currently being held by a local Volksturm squad supported by a Volksgrenadier MMG in a concrete bunker and a dug in Pak40. Help is on the way to help them hold the bridge until the engineers can get there to set charges and blow it, this consists of a Volksgrenadier platoon supported by a Stug III and an Ostwind.
Bearing in on them is a platoon of T34/85's, supporting a motorised infantry platoon, together with a T70 scout tank and a 82mm mortar battery. Off table 152mm howitzers are available together with a timed Katyushka strike.
Die Brücke

The Russians Mass For The Attack
The Stug Arrives To Offer Support

The T70 Does A Fine Job Pinning The German LMG Team
The Russian FHQ Calls Down Fire
 A Direct Hit Causes The Crew To Abandon The Stug While The Surrounding Infantry Are Pinned
The Russian Infantry Advance Capitalising On This

The Volksturm And Supporting Volksgrenadiers Are Swept From The Bridge

T34s Move Up In Support

The Germans Are Only One Battle Rating Away From Defeat So We Call It A Day


  1. Never really stood a chance did they?

  2. Many Heroes of the Soviet Union in today's game! A great game I thought and so rare for a plan of mine to unfold as I hoped! But the chits!!! Only two drawn, a 4 and another Bl**dy 5!!!!

    1. Indeed. A shame I could not capitalise on your chit draw bad luck, the fives certainly love you.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Christopher. The next game will take place on the outskirts of Rahnstadt itself, standby.....

  4. Lovely looking game, guess it makes sense,it being tough for the Germans on the east in 1945!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. It certainly is tough and the above could have been worse!!
      Campaign wise it's Russia 4 -Germany 1

  5. Nice report, good to see 1945 Germans without all the 'toys'.

    1. Thank you Paul. They are garnering what "toys" they can for the final assault, they will need them too.

  6. Lovely stuff Phil, I have a game we played in our Russian campaign to blog so now I will get on with it 😀

    1. Thank you Matt, I shall look forward to your AAR in due course.

  7. Terrific stuff Phil and an incentive to start getting my own armour.

  8. Thank you George. I shall look forward to seeing your Red armour in due course.
